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Di and VR

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I just said i suspect you'd never take a loss, i imagine it would go down in a similar fashion as VR last night.


Pretty much judging it on when you've been forced to single in F2P and pop out for ending when everyone gets bored but ye.

We only went single when we were crashing you moron (3 vs 1). Not in a 1 vs 1, big difference. You can't exactly paint us with the outlasting brush when our longest fight is 4 hours now, and was only 2.5 hours before the fight yesterday. You're just going based on assumption.



I admitted it was based on suspect from my first sentence, so defensive brah.


We don't care about rsc wins we all know they're broken rules




And why didn't you end after the first hour mark then? Or second? Why put your members through hell only to prove to RSC you're better............. Then end before VR anyways heh.

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Rob 92

was having too much fun

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Di just LOVES to have fun!!!!

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Young k00l

Rot would never have the BALLS to go uncapped against vr outnumbered by 40 all fight, lol have fun fighting 10-20 ranked clans claiming #1. #swag #basedgod

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They both suck.

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7 on screen

Meh nice item sink i guess

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Guest Desire

Proves who is #3


Eos would probably kill either one of them

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Vladi x

I would say Eos can defeat them , so Eos #2

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Rot would never have the BALLS to go uncapped against vr outnumbered by 40 all fight, lol have fun fighting 10-20 ranked clans claiming #1. #swag #basedgod



This guy is clearly unaware about the 80 vs 140......


or 75(?) vs 100.........

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Rot would never have the BALLS to go uncapped against vr outnumbered by 40 all fight, lol have fun fighting 10-20 ranked clans claiming #1. #swag #basedgod

Done it multiple times shithead

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Dark Nite666

Better then eos #7 f2p

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they have no friends so not leaving the computer for 11 hours was no problem


edit: Im glad rob 92 uses these forums otherwise we'd have no di retards to make fun of

Edited by D-Shaden

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Double 0 7

Rot would never have the BALLS to go uncapped against vr outnumbered by 40 all fight, lol have fun fighting 10-20 ranked clans claiming #1. #swag #basedgod

Crawl back under the rock you came out of.

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