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why is the clan world so bad

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The F2P final was honestly an embarrassment to this game. Add that to the fact the game is an embarrassment and you have one enormous catastrophe.

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Clans are just so fucking bad in general. You're the only good clan around that is #1 p2p/f2p.

Can you please stop sucking everyones D, noone wants you in their clan reject.



Please get good clan world

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Clans are just so fucking bad in general. You're the only good clan around that is #1 p2p/f2p.

Can you please stop sucking everyones D, noone wants you in their clan reject.



Please get good clan world


pls no flame dillon hes a bro, it's evident from your results that VR has completely slumped your reject clan, get good idiots!

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rough for the clan world...

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