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Own u 1107


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Own u 1107

Name most fun/boring clan to fight ever


Most fun clan to fight for me would be Violent resolution and that's because no matter how many people they outnumber clans by, they still get outperformed by the good clans, then they put on fake mask but their forums gets leaked every time. ^_^


Most boring clan to fight for me would be Echo of Silence and that's because whenever they lose they try to outlast till 0 guy left, then takes fake ending after the opponent is gone and in 07 they used to regroup every 5min against Rot when they didn't need to at times. :rip:

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For me, fighting Valhalla

Fights were always really good and a lot of fun.

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Most fun was probably VR when both clans had longer preps, usually ended up being a decent fight.


Not many clans I really disliked fighting, can't really complain about events.

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Negged fagget!!





OT: Best clan to fight probably RoT, since the rest would run around like headless chickens crying :'(



Worst clan VR, because they would pk with 20 people and outlast till they won

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Most fun: COR/DF/TR


Every clan I have been in have shitted on those 3 every time we've fought them


Most Boring: EOS/RSD


EoS - Running around slaying them for hours


RSD - Toughest opponents, rarely gave up

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Guest B0rntowildy

Enjoyed fighting TT the most simply because they were always a challenge.


Most boring clan to fight has got to be EoS. No one enjoys chasing a clan around the whole wilderness map for hours on end unless you're a faggot.

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Most fun: Any clan that talks shit but I do enjoy when we chase VR or watch them team. Their leadership & members are full of retards.


Most boring: I'd probably say like CU or any of those insignificant fights.

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Most fun: TT


Mo boring: EOS

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the clans i love fighting are the ones i hate at the current time. df/tr/vr/rsd/eos/tt/etc etc, it doesnt matter who as long as i hated them at that certain time


boring would be any spic clan that people would fight for morale boosts

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Worst clan to fight: VR constant running around like chickens with their heads cut off shitty clan.


Most Fun: Higher Force even for pures they could put up a fight when matched.

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Most fun: When CD closed


Most boring: Every CD fight.

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Most enjoyed: TT/DI


TT - had several friends in TT so fighting them was always a friendly rivalry for me.

DI - Pre-2007 servers, fighting Di are some of the only fight i remember clearly from before we closed.


Most Boring: Vr/Ko


Vr - normally just turned into mass sniping for 6+ hours, wasn't that interesting

Ko - returned in nigger range after first death, they were never very organized but had the same 10 people return for hours and it got boring.

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