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Road to being an intro newfag

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Good luck training it shouldn't take long to get 90+ def.

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i sell refs pm me

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Good luck with training!

You are going to want to get p2p sets


Also ditch the fi capes and get rot capes

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if u think ure getting accepted without giving me half of ur sets then u are mistaken son

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well u certainly are a fag so that part is taken care of


Haha, thanks I guess? I like these forums. I'm excited to train and be motivated to work hard

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as long as you never talk to this faggot i dont care good luck



Well this is good to see that some pures want to be in a main clan. Tbh, you're just missing a few things but I see that you're training def. Anyways good luck. :)

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Guest B0rntowildy

As long as you...


Good luck

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Good luck training.

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good luck, keep training

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