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thoughts on the following clans?

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Guest Qry

DI: Good pulls
DF: I rate em 3/5
VR: dead spics
SV: I see them becoming more relevant in near future
AF: clueless f2p wise

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They've begun to pull more to PK's lately and it looks like they got out of any slump they were previously in. Hopefully they keep at it and continue to give us a good fight being #2 F2P right now.


#3 in F2P right now but it's been pretty uncontested. They have a long way to go to face DI on a Sunday after being in their relationship with VR. Hopefully they stay true to themselves and solo their way back up to battling DI for the #2 spot.


Probably in one of the most embarrassing slumps the clan world has ever seen right now. They talked shit about RoT literally every day when we closed and since our re-opening, they haven't beat us once nor have they made any sort of impact on this game. I honestly would love to see them go back to their mass numbers of pulling 100+ on a Sunday and giving us a run for our money again purely from outnumbering us, but honestly this far into the game I can't see them having that many people ever again.


Wish they'd give us more P2P action but now that they don't have anyone to back them up, they've faded away. Hopefully they make some appearances and give us a few hours of action in the coming weeks.

RONIN + Poison + AC + TS + SV

Don't know much about them, but from what I hear they can pull some decent numbers. Would like to see them work out some fights with DF/VR and see what they can do with it. Having more clans enter the higher rankings is the only thing that will benefit the clan world. ACing fights, looting and targeting randoms isn't helping anything.




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DI: good pulls, bad quality
DF: bad callers, decent quality
VR: dead
SV: seem to be getting more and more relevant as they train up, good pulls
AF: don't seem to do much in F2P or P2P anymore
RONIN: beefing with Poison I think
POISON: beefing with Ronin I think
AC: Speedy lmfao

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DI: Good pulls, bad quality.
DF: Ok quality but bad callers.

VR: Embarrassing
SV: Will be relevant in a few months.
AF: Not really relevant anymore.
RONIN: Irrelevant
POISON: Irrelevant
AC: Tiny

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DI: #2

DF: #3

VR: Been dead and irrelevant for 2 years
SV: Gonna be big very soon
AF: Irrelevant
Ronin: Who?
Poison: Been dead for 5 years
AC: Who?
TS: Team Sweden? Best team to ever exist behind Team TKO Blitz

Edited by Djw

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DI: pumps new blood into the clan world aka little ass niggas

DF: benniee came from here so i can only assume the worst aka gay ass niggas
VR: muhammad and wirdy call the shots now as members don't respect limp cock aka spic ass niggas
SV: does their own thing just killing people for rune and crashing pures aka purple ass niggas
AF: punching bag to rag/iron man in p2p (the tears about killing off p2p is even better) aka brit ass niggas
RONIN: idk but lassuri needs to join rot
AC: idk
TS: some guy named kyle kicked half their clan so idk

Edited by Del Muro

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Here lemme type up a essay on run escape clanning

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DI: Bedtime, independent, more than just a weekend clan. Atrocious quality in a large portion of the memberbase/callers.

DF: Weekend F2P clan that just kind of exists

VR: Dead, stupid beyond comprehension for not kicking the Craig retard

SV: Went out on a limb to make the jump to become mains and it seems to have worked. Fight everyone in P2P, at least for a bit. Could smack around VR if VR wanted to do more than be a snipe unit.

AF: Decent in P2P... I think. Some good members, lots of retards from vr/df/wherever. Really cocky despite the fact they only worked up the courage to fight us when they organized DF/VR to crash before the fights even began, and only in their ideal timezone. Remember that.

RONIN: IDK, Poison and Ronin seem to be in hibernation 90% of the time and have 15 v 15s the other 10% of the time.

POISON: same

AC: Speedy cares a lot, but he is a minion ass licker. 1 iteming and dbows

TS: Dunno, all the little P2P clans kinda blend together for me. Willing to fight us late night P2P.


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DI - Poor and don't want to improve

DF - Try to improve but are crap and have been below us since we moved to f2p pking

VR - Pond scum

AF - Try so hard to be relevant, always have. Amusing really.

Don't give a shit about the rest

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DI:Big pulls, worst quality in the clanworld
DF:#3 in a 4 clan clanworld
VR: Can't see them recovering this time
SV: Finish maxing out and fight people
AF: vr+df
RONIN: reminds me of ph vs gen, crashwar that nobody else cared about and meant nothing also LASSURI JOIN ROT

Edited by Alex

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DI: High pulls low Quality
DF: Not too bad
VR: Dead
SV: Active

~ The rest are teams and teams are irrelevant ~


Edited by Black`

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