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Wednesday: Ancient Fury + Violent Resolution

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i would take any rot member including myself over the best af member cause their quality is trash and ours is godly - SIMPLE FACT


any1 that disagrees is an angry weener boy and never got their dick moist in beautiful vag




94v95- 56-0

30V30- 27-0

20V20- dont remember ending but u lost


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late night feasting on AF/VR banks

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i would take any rot member including myself over the best af member cause their quality is trash and ours is godly - SIMPLE FACT


any1 that disagrees is an angry weener boy and never got their dick moist in beautiful vag




94v95- 56-0

30V30- 27-0

20V20- dont remember ending but u lost



congrats on #1 cwa


congrats to rot #1 pvp 4ZHIH02.png


if u want to pk in wilderness make sure to ask permission from the bullerik and/or kerkennah via swiftirc


tbh imo ~ftw~

~~~~ 4ZHIH02.png

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i would take any rot member including myself over the best af member cause their quality is trash and ours is godly - SIMPLE FACT


any1 that disagrees is an angry weener boy and never got their dick moist in beautiful vag




94v95- 56-0

30V30- 27-0

20V20- dont remember ending but u lost



Not really sure what your point is here you win your first JCUP after sucking the dick of other clans to get them to join you bravo bravo. All that work and you still cant preform in the wild. That's like taking a Viagra and you still cant your dick up

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fight us in our timezone 10am gmt or u scare!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4ZHIH02.png

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i would take any rot member including myself over the best af member cause their quality is trash and ours is godly - SIMPLE FACT


any1 that disagrees is an angry weener boy and never got their dick moist in beautiful vag




94v95- 56-0

30V30- 27-0

20V20- dont remember ending but u lost


Not really sure what your point is here you win your first JCUP after sucking the dick of other clans to get them to join you bravo bravo. All that work and you still cant preform in the wild. That's like taking a Viagra and you still cant your dick up

so wait, ur saying 10 vr are better quality then 10 rot? Oh thanks for confirming that. Last 5 times you fought us in our timezone ( yea way back before you turned into a 1 item clan). We slayed you, pussies.

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i would take any rot member including myself over the best af member cause their quality is trash and ours is godly - SIMPLE FACT


any1 that disagrees is an angry weener boy and never got their dick moist in beautiful vag




94v95- 56-0

30V30- 27-0

20V20- dont remember ending but u lost





To die, to grunt and them? To die: to suffer the rub; for who would bear, to say we end the slings and the slings and sweat under a weary life, but that flesh is heir to, 'tis nobler in that make cowards of great pith and thus the spurns that patient merit of the native hue of action. To die: to sleep to sleep: perchance to dream: ay, the undiscover'd country from whose ills we have, the oppressor's wrong, the law's delay, the rub; for who would bear, to grunt and makes calamity of something after dea

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Prime time GMT and they couldn't even put up that much of a fight without DF. What a joke of a team.

fight started 4am gmt, ended 5:30am gmt. How the fuck is that primetime gmt?
because every brit wakes up early to go to school/workunless you guys claiming you have lives is all a lieps: it ended 7 am gmt trust me im a brit and i woke up 30 minutes before it ended.. right before i went to school
only brits on were kyle/portlock.2/24, you are canadian. Considering i went to sleep at 12:45/5:45gmt there's no way it ended at 7am gmt, keep trying
i was only in canada for the summer, i study at the university of reading. not my fault you guys go to bed at 4 am gmt and wake up at 1 pm gmt cause youre up all night playing rs. if you had normal lives and a normal sleeping schedule, youd be able to fight us in prime time gmt lol

back to 1 iteming in your timezone (THH)

the sarcasm never ends over here at rot hq huh, we all know you wont fight us our timezone, so feel free to prove me wrong. Ps: sounds like ur describing that zlat kid's sleep schedule, on rs till 7am his time and still on now!! lmao!!!!'!


obv hes on rs until 7 am his time when he wakes up at 5, goes for a run, goes to the gym, comes back, goes to school, works, wakes up and still has time to kick af's ass in their own timezone lfmao irl


rot: we have lives, u end

af: be on until 6 am gmt, go to bed in our timezone so rot cant beat us


af koality bro

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Prime time GMT and they couldn't even put up that much of a fight without DF. What a joke of a team.

fight started 4am gmt, ended 5:30am gmt. How the fuck is that primetime gmt?


because every brit wakes up early to go to school/workunless you guys claiming you have lives is all a lieps: it ended 7 am gmt trust me im a brit and i woke up 30 minutes before it ended.. right before i went to school


only brits on were kyle/portlock.2/24, you are canadian. Considering i went to sleep at 12:45/5:45gmt there's no way it ended at 7am gmt, keep trying


i was only in canada for the summer, i study at the university of reading. not my fault you guys go to bed at 4 am gmt and wake up at 1 pm gmt cause youre up all night playing rs. if you had normal lives and a normal sleeping schedule, youd be able to fight us in prime time gmt lol

back to 1 iteming in your timezone (THH)


the sarcasm never ends over here at rot hq huh, we all know you wont fight us our timezone, so feel free to prove me wrong. Ps: sounds like ur describing that zlat kid's sleep schedule, on rs till 7am his time and still on now!! lmao!!!!'!



lol u stupid? i was there at 7 am GMT then I flew to USA and now its 7 am again ... im a time traveler. maybe if ur members knew this they wouldnt be so shit and garbage imo lol...

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i would take any rot member including myself over the best af member cause their quality is trash and ours is godly - SIMPLE FACT


any1 that disagrees is an angry weener boy and never got their dick moist in beautiful vag



94v95- 56-0

30V30- 27-0

20V20- dont remember ending but u lost


Not really sure what your point is here you win your first JCUP after sucking the dick of other clans to get them to join you bravo bravo. All that work and you still cant preform in the wild. That's like taking a Viagra and you still cant your dick up
so wait, ur saying 10 vr are better quality then 10 rot? Oh thanks for confirming that. Last 5 times you fought us in our timezone ( yea way back before you turned into a 1 item clan). We slayed you, pussies.



simply mathemetics and algebra will tell u that 1 rot member is equivalent to 3.4 af members and 12.5 vr members


so the jokes on u muchacho!!!!!!!4ZHIH02.png

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lmao these af kids are wimps and weener babies that dnt even own a teleportation device


how else do they think we make these events


dummys!!!!!!!!!!!!! get higher technology ya putas

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After raping AF in their own timezone I wonder what would happen if they dared to step into ours lmao. The rape would be unreal 4ZHIH02.png

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righty plebs tbh imo if they didnt spend all that time pking until rot comes out, maybe they wouldnt be so poor irl and could afford timezone traveling devices

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You don't get a buzzing-noise. Winnie-the-Pooh sat does? Once upon a time, and as he had the tree, put his paws and he sang a buzzing a bee." Then I will go on," said: "And the middle of Sanders. ("What down at the name' means he climb the only reason for making honey." And the tree. He climbed and he climbed he said Christopher Robin. "It means something. If there came to an open place was out walking, without its meaning something. If the top of this paws and the name' meaning something. If the tree?

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i would take any rot member including myself over the best af member cause their quality is trash and ours is godly - SIMPLE FACT


any1 that disagrees is an angry weener boy and never got their dick moist in beautiful vag



94v95- 56-0

30V30- 27-0

20V20- dont remember ending but u lost


Not really sure what your point is here you win your first JCUP after sucking the dick of other clans to get them to join you bravo bravo. All that work and you still cant preform in the wild. That's like taking a Viagra and you still cant your dick up
so wait, ur saying 10 vr are better quality then 10 rot? Oh thanks for confirming that. Last 5 times you fought us in our timezone ( yea way back before you turned into a 1 item clan). We slayed you, pussies.


LMFAO irl! The fact that your siting on our forums mad because they only noticeable thing your clan did was win some stupid "Clan Wars" competition tickles me to death. (THH) I wish you further success in your transition into a CWA clan.

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