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The Most Dominant Clan in RS History

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4 deaths, something like 16 kills.

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Nobody else can do what we just did
Nobody else has ever done what we just did
Nobody else will ever do what we just did


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I know the topic said no one has ever beaten 4 other top clans against them, but honestly, I don't think anyone else has ever even tried to do that.


So impressive, really proud of every ROT member.

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The Zane

Topic speaks for itself (THH)

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how I missed these badass topics


nice rape bruh

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Good fight you fucking degenerates, the lot of you.


Enjoyed tonight a lot - especially my little fan boys camping me. Try harder next time.


At least DI had a main pile and made it possible so props to you, you should stop associating yourselves with the dirt of the clan world, at least you have potential.


~good fight~



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lets face it, we're the most ruthless, resilient clan in this game. we're always at our strongest when we have someone to hate. whenever people think we're struggling/in over our head, we always come out on top


- eos mass joins vr, clan world thinks the tables have turned. we go from pulling 50-60 to pulling 80 to every fight, easily dismantling vr's 130 mass joined pull.


- af/df/vr coordinating plans, di joins in - peak at 96 people and take down the other 'top clans' all on us.

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Started with 90, peaked at 96 and ended with 90+ - proud of everyone who was there today.

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Call more clans Anti-RoT


Edit: oh w8 you have no more clans to call LMFAO

Edited by Phaeo

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Impressive to see a clan still being able to pull 100+ to bad it takes 5 clans to match em.

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