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Valhalla Closes

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:rip: :rip: :rip: :rip:

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well yeah isn't really much point staying open if every other clan in your "bracket" closed lol


(unless everyone was down for turning main)

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Good luck on training up to meet rot reqs

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[19:20] <Stl_Arrow> Themonster16

[19:20] <Stl_Arrow> u realize
[19:21] <Stl_Arrow> VH isnt anywhere close
[19:21] <Stl_Arrow> to dying right
[19:21] <Stl_Arrow> ?
[19:22] <+Themonster16> Stl_Arrow ok lol





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i hope evan doesn't rejoin

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well yeah isn't really much point staying open if every other clan in your "bracket" closed lol


(unless everyone was down for turning main)

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With us killing all our competition (RP/T sense) there wasn't much left for us to do.


By killing our competition we killed our community.


... am I sad? yeah.


....do I regret going so hard on those shitters? Fuck no and I'd do it again.


We fought outnumbered and out leveled. We didn't care, cause even if we didn't have the numbers or levels cause we would simply outshine them.



I'm honored to be part of the best and oldest RP/T clan in RS history.

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The real question is which one of you fellas train for gp?

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