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Anonymous Community Barrow Brother Pk Trip

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for how active you claim to be you're pretty shit and chaingang is a retard and so are you lol gtfo my forums bitch


welcome to the bullerik games

Insults from someone who contributes nothing to the game don't phase me, I guess spastics will always remain in this game. CHEERS


Go shave your pedo stache you fucking inbred retard lmfao

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brb advertising my clan on another clan's site

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what timezone was this in lmfao

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what timezone was this in lmfao

5pm Eastern

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what timezone was this in lmfao

5pm Eastern


Shouldn't you be putting this on your own dead forums? maybe even Eos forums? Why would you come to your enemies forums and post something that we don't give a shit about. I know you are brain dead and became an orphan at a very young age but that is no excuse to act retarded. No one cares about AC, it is a dead clan.

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Shadow X

Can I come along next time I swear on my life I won't tell RoT ;)

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Can I come along next time I swear on my life I won't tell RoT ;)

LOL find that hard to believe :)


Was a beast trip though

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what timezone was this in lmfao

5pm Eastern


While 99% of clans were in f2p, you thought since no1 would b out you could do your "barrows trip".

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Guest Desire


saw vr get cleared in there lol

Yea, Chased them to 4 worlds expected them to mass for us but never happened lol


can u fucking kill ur self dillion

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do u see u got -2 on this topic


i am just saying -1 of that is from me

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Gtfo these forums lmfao. You were sick at dodging the knitting needles when you were unborn. That's about the only thing you've accomplished ever.

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nobody actually gives a shit you downie. Take your own life

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call another barrows trip pls i need money

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