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VR's new plan lmfao

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25 buck bro that guy is ballin

Edited by Del Muro

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actually thats a pretty smart tactic


i think rot should start recruiting members from the third world


germany is doing it in real life look how they are flourishing


more mens = more power

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Guest jeffreyp

I know the situation in Venezuela is tough atm so that amount of money can really help u out


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Of course they PM "Juan" out of all people. Difference between us and VR is that we pay our Hispanics a living wage.

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[04/10/16] (09:53pm) <00Dilllon> Paisa_man i think you can do better with your rsd buddies in rot, why vr tbh? you must not be liking it, juan will be your guide
[04/10/16] (09:53pm) <04@Paisa_man> rofl all my homies are here retard
[04/10/16] (09:53pm) <04@Paisa_man> and juan is a retard with a 3bs brother
[04/10/16] (09:54pm) <12+|Tim> rot are trash
[04/10/16] (09:54pm) <04@Paisa_man> !kb Dilllon
[04/10/16] (09:54pm) * X sets mode: +b *!*@Swift-7429F48D.hsd1.ca.comcast.net
[04/10/16] (09:54pm) * You were kicked from #vr by X (Requested)


Session Start: Thu Apr 14 22:29:51 2016
Session Ident: #vr
[04/14/16] (10:29pm) * Now talking in #vr
[04/14/16] (10:29pm) * Topic is '11,1 Welcome to 12,1[V]iolent [R]esolution's11,1 Channel. 12,1 Forums - www.vr-rs.com/forums - 4Homeworld: 362, Clanchat: vr_clanchat'
[04/14/16] (10:29pm) * Set by Evizu!~Snake@vr-rs.com on Wed Dec 09 07:27:11 2015
[04/14/16] (10:29pm) * Retrieving #vr modes...

[04/14/16] (10:30pm) <00Dillllon> lmfao Paisa_man bitch ass
[04/14/16] (10:30pm) <00Dillllon> i heard some stuff about you from my m8s who were in rsd with you
[04/14/16] (10:31pm) * Paisa_man sets mode: +b *!*@A61651CA.8A91EFEF.5814C3D6.IP
[04/14/16] (10:31pm) * You were kicked from #vr by Paisa_man (go play in traffic pussy)


He was saying that you were a retard like a week ago and showed you these logs a week ago and had a good laugh about it and now he wants you to spy for him lol?


If you're reading this Paisa_man, Rot wins again.

Edited by Ruon3bs

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should of played along bro....

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Thats why vr are dead you stupid little faggat paisa man. You are embarrasing



Oww alliance



Lool juan xd

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lmfao vr

Edited by Pedro`

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iPod licker

lol'd at the backhanded venezuela comment ngl

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take it wtf 25 bucks that can pay rent for u


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