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#VR-Admin #9: Best of Evizu

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(14:24:24) <@Evizu> n ur leadership rank is gone 4ever no matter outcome today is Craiggg
(14:24:31) <@Evizu> mistake to promote u
(14:24:36) <@Evizu> just did it outta goodness

(14:24:42) <@Lordkilla44> you idiots wanna just close vr
(14:24:45) <@Craiggg> cuz u cant lead shit on ur own
(14:24:45) <@Lordkilla44> save us all this bullshit

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This is what happens when a autistic e-dater with limp dick and a 25+ year old alcoholic try to lead a runescape clan

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Mike|Cera_S6 was kicked by Evizu (YOU CAN'T KILL ME MOTHERFUCKER!! · 12o)

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I'm not sure how much they even care that we leak them anymore. We've pretty much taken everything that clan has ever had, this is just insult to injury at this point. Everybody in VR knows they are led by retards, we're not really changing minds but really just proving what everyone already suspected.

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(12:27:42) <@Viet-> u demoted him for saying PM me /ignoring u

(12:27:47) <@Viet-> that just is silly

(12:27:48) <@Evizu> nope

the tl;dr

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i cum

[21:11] @Kaochinx27: you wonder why everyone thinks this clan is a joke
[21:11] @Kaochinx27: because its own members are allowed to walk over the leadership
[21:12] @Kaochinx27: i honestly dont even give a shit anymore Evizu lol
[21:12] @Kaochinx27: you can guest me too
[21:12] @Kaochinx27: fuck all of you really lol
[21:12] ::: Quit: (Kaochinx27) (Client exited)

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if that isnt broken then idk what is

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i cum

[21:11] @Kaochinx27: you wonder why everyone thinks this clan is a joke
[21:11] @Kaochinx27: because its own members are allowed to walk over the leadership
[21:12] @Kaochinx27: i honestly dont even give a shit anymore Evizu lol
[21:12] @Kaochinx27: you can guest me too
[21:12] @Kaochinx27: fuck all of you really lol
[21:12] ::: Quit: (Kaochinx27) (Client exited)


i agree

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(15:04:58) <@Blazer> 4i cant wait for rot to leak this



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Shit load of embarassing logs of Evizu, I might aswell post the whole thing. The spoiler are the decent ones. I'll make sure everyone reads my personal favorite.




(15:01:14) <@Mike|Cera_S6> can u
(15:01:15) <@Mike|Cera_S6> step down
(15:01:15) <@Mike|Cera_S6> again
(15:01:18) <@Evizu> No
(15:01:20) <@Mike|Cera_S6> Craiggg was leading better
(15:01:22) <@Mike|Cera_S6> alone
(15:01:26) <@Mike|Cera_S6> he didnt let Tila back in
(15:01:28) <@Evizu> Well you and craig can go make a clan together


(12:26:42) <@Evizu> these ppl have spent months r years
(12:26:44) <@Evizu> doing same thing
(12:26:46) <@Evizu> and i sit back
(12:27:02) <@Evizu> im taking control of vr
(12:27:10) <@Evizu> cuz i dont like the way those ppl r going
(12:27:13) <@Viet-> ok do so in a manner that doenst have to be kicking ppl
(12:27:22) <@Evizu> i made mike legend
(12:27:23) <@Evizu> he said guest me
(12:27:30) <@Evizu> he also said he will ddos me 4x yday
(12:27:42) <@Viet-> u demoted him for saying PM me /ignoring u
(12:27:47) <@Viet-> that just is silly
(12:27:48) <@Evizu> nope
(12:27:49) <@Viet-> do u not agree
(12:27:49) <@Viet-> ?
(12:28:00) <@Evizu> i deranked him yday for undermining me
(12:28:12) <@Evizu> then i deranked him again today for undermining me again
(12:28:16) <@Evizu> also ignoring me
(12:28:23) <@Evizu> then i guested him for saying to guest him
(12:29:08) <@Viet-> w/e not gonna bother
(12:29:18) <@Paisa_man> ye fuck this im leaving till this weekend i hope this gets resolved when i get back
(12:29:31) <@Evizu> where u going Paisa_man
(12:29:46) <@Paisa_man> mexico
(12:29:52) <@Evizu> r u srs
(12:30:04) <@Evizu> i not even got time for jokes now
(12:30:10) <@Evizu> either u on side or not
(12:30:19) <@Lordkilla44> his family is mexican
(12:30:20) <@Lordkilla44> wtf are u on about
(12:30:23) <@Blazer> Serious dont boot Mike for that
(12:30:30) <@Blazer> If things are changing its gotta be more gradual
(12:30:33) <@Evizu> Blazer ill boot him for his shit
(12:30:45) <@Evizu> like i said mike isnt a big deal
(12:30:51) <@Evizu> comes on once a week
(12:30:56) <@Lordkilla44> kick craig all you want that's fine
(12:30:57) <@Lordkilla44> not mike




(15:35:03) <@Evizu> Craiggg
(15:35:09) <@Evizu> tell that man brett


"That Brett guy" If you're reading this Brett Smyth you're nothing but 3 opts to Evizu. You been a long time loyal member to Vr and you get treated like shit. Evizu couldn't even pm you himself, just like he couldn't pm Erik or Matt for a truce.




(15:35:13) <@Craiggg> idc
(15:35:16) <@Mike|Cera_S6> ur the one
(15:35:18) <@Mike|Cera_S6> who fucked up
(15:35:19) <@Craiggg> she can ask erik for more gp
(15:35:23) <@Mike|Cera_S6> ^
(15:35:27) <@Evizu> if its not returned in 24hrs brett is kicked
(15:35:27) <@Mike|Cera_S6> u deal with it u let her back in
(15:35:32) <@Mike|Cera_S6> nah hes not
(15:35:36) <@Evizu> mike
(15:35:40) <@Evizu> test me then


(12:01:16) <@Evizu> !kb Mike|Cera_S6
(12:01:16) <@X> User matches channel except.






(12:30:25) <@Evizu> Bosha
(12:30:27) <@Evizu> 2 things
(12:30:33) <@Evizu> 1. u see vote in admin
(12:30:43) <@Bosha> What vote
(12:30:44) <@Bosha> lol
(12:30:45) <@Evizu> 2. dont call ppl in here retards or say shti about braincells and that nonsense

(12:30:49) <@Evizu> dont need that
(12:30:53) <@Bosha> What vote..?
(12:31:00) <@Evizu> the poll mate

(12:31:17) <@Evizu> - link where they voted on being allowed in martians-
(12:31:35) <@Evizu> literally every1 voted positively
(12:31:36) <@Bosha> lol
(12:31:40) <@Bosha> you either ban everyone from FF too
(12:31:44) <@Bosha> or its redundant
(12:31:51) <@Evizu> no its just martians
(12:31:51) <@Evizu> :L
(12:31:57) <@Bosha> same principle
(12:31:59) <@Evizu> its being outlawed today
(12:32:04) <@Bosha> has opposing rival clan members within t
(12:32:10) <@Bosha> neither have any power or access
(12:32:14) <@Bosha> i am ranked i have the same
(12:32:27) <@Evizu> thts fine u can stay in flipflops np
(12:32:30) <@Evizu> just not martians


Vr being the first clan on runescape to make a ban on which cwa teams their members can't be in. Funny thing being that Evizu doesn't mind Bosha being in Flip Flops and that has plenty of Rot members in it but can't be in Martians.




(15:37:56) <@Evizu> dnt care give the bank over
(15:38:00) <@Mike|Cera_S6> no
(15:38:09) <@Evizu> then im stepping down from vr
(15:38:14) <@Craiggg> bye
(15:38:14) <@Evizu> cuz this aint my clan
(15:38:20) <@Craiggg> ye its mine
(15:38:26) <@Evizu> fine will
(15:38:35) <@Craiggg> GET OUT
(15:38:36) <@Craiggg> NOW
(15:38:38) * Evizu (Snake@vr-rs.com) has left #vr-admin


Evizu rages over bank just so he can gamble with it some more. On top of that, I'm not really surprised from my time being in Vr that Craig always wanted Vr to himself. He always acted like that and you wonder why majority of the members don't even like him. I know Vr are reading this because they care, but how can a clan have so many leadership problems? Especially when they claim to not take runescape seriously.


If you're reading this Vr especially you Evizu, Rot wins again.

Edited by Ruon3bs

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(15:05:21) <@Lordkilla44> honestly at this point i think i might leak this to rot to get out of this hell holl we call vr-admin
(15:05:28) <@Lordkilla44> hole

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(12:43:46) <@Lordkilla44> gonna go make myself some fish finger sandwiches to cheer myself up

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