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VR Admin #10

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»Tue/01:29:17« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> LMFAO
»Tue/01:30:01« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> no scout
»Tue/01:30:02« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> or nothing
»Tue/01:30:07« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> and we got hit on login
»Tue/01:30:07« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> lmfao
»Tue/01:30:22« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> right now?
»Tue/01:30:24« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> they wuda killed me if it was a spy
»Tue/01:30:28« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> yh
»Tue/01:30:39« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> we didnt get scouted or notihn
»Tue/01:30:40« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> lmao
»Tue/01:30:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> hmmm
»Tue/01:30:49« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> rot hit u on login??
»Tue/01:30:56« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> no we were dd'd they logged in
»Tue/01:31:00« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> they logged under us
»Tue/01:31:03« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> under our dd
»Tue/01:31:13« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> they logged in under us and insta speared reddevil
»Tue/01:31:15« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> and insta speared reddevil
»Tue/01:31:15« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> lol
»Tue/01:31:19« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> the only person with f cape i think
»Tue/01:31:20« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> so they musta knew he had fcape aka scouted him from befor
»Tue/01:31:21« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> what did he heave
»Tue/01:31:34« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> well reddevil was the only 1 to corp telly in this world
»Tue/01:31:39« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> the rest of us walked down
»Tue/01:31:42« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> yh
»Tue/01:31:52« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (19:29:27) · @Viet- · LMFAO
»Tue/01:31:53« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (19:30:11) · @Viet- · no scout
»Tue/01:31:53« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (19:30:12) · @Viet- · or nothing
»Tue/01:31:53« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (19:30:17) · @Viet- · and we got hit on login
»Tue/01:31:53« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (19:30:18) · @Viet- · lmfao
»Tue/01:31:59« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> why u laughin n shit like its funny
»Tue/01:32:03« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> cuz it is
»Tue/01:32:03« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> lmao

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frick sake adrian


»Tue/02:17:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> i dont trust adrian at all
»Tue/02:17:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> lol
»Tue/02:17:20« (@Jimmy`) <@pkerdylan5> he's a sketchy prick
»Tue/02:17:20« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> adrian aint even in chan
»Tue/02:17:22« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> he left b4 it
»Tue/02:17:23« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> kid left the channel when we got rushed or before
»Tue/02:17:28« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> yea
»Tue/02:17:36« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> he wudnt betray af either
»Tue/02:17:42« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> didnt he get kicked
»Tue/02:17:42« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> ?
»Tue/02:17:46« (@Jimmy`) <@pkerdylan5> Abkb| because that makes him trustworthy?
»Tue/02:17:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> i thought he was
»Tue/02:17:47« (@Jimmy`) <@pkerdylan5> lol
»Tue/02:17:49« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> thats why i said that aswell
»Tue/02:18:41« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> i stilll think evangillion is suspicious as fuck
»Tue/02:19:43« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> yea
»Tue/02:19:56« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> hes been in every ts pic
»Tue/02:19:57« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> i swear
»Tue/02:20:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> and he still hasnt bothered FA'ing or some shit
»Tue/02:20:12« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> well
»Tue/02:20:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> or officially rejoining
»Tue/02:20:15« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> hes training djs acc up
»Tue/02:20:27« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> like hardcore trainin it
»Tue/02:20:31« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> but a rod spy would train it up to make it seem like he aint a spy
»Tue/02:20:41« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> doubt it
»Tue/02:20:46« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> they go try hard
»Tue/02:20:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> fuck any1 cud be a spy
»Tue/02:20:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> lol

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»Wed/01:50:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> .del whiteswans
»Wed/01:50:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> <18:49:32> "White Swans": you think im a spy
»Wed/01:50:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> <18:49:40> "White Swans": how can i prove im not?
»Wed/01:50:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> <18:49:45> "White Swans": ok how can i prove
»Wed/01:50:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> <18:49:46> "White Swans": im not
»Wed/01:50:15« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> <18:49:57> "White Swans": i want to prove im not a spy
»Wed/01:50:18« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> i just said
»Wed/01:50:21« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> trust trade me ur bank
»Wed/01:50:28« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> he has nothing in his bank
»Wed/01:50:30« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> its a spare
»Wed/01:50:32« (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> <18:50:17> "White Swans": how i know you won't scam
»Wed/01:50:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> erik is 1min 21 sec idle




comedy gold

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»Tue/00:23:29« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> Jim, the rsc mod
»Tue/00:23:30« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> was a df spy
»Tue/00:23:31« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> whole time
»Tue/00:23:40« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> whole family got doxed and he's had to legit quit the internet
»Tue/00:23:41« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> #rot life
»Tue/00:23:47« (@Jimmy`) <@D156> fk ye im joining rot
»Tue/00:24:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> its fucked up but u can guarantee nobody else will do it for a while after that lol
»Tue/00:24:15« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> (spy)

»Tue/00:25:29« (@Jimmy`) <@Blazer> Lordkilla44
»Tue/00:25:32« (@Jimmy`) <@Blazer> they doxed his family?
»Tue/00:25:35« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> yeh
»Tue/00:25:39« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> released his siblings/uncles work shit

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»Tue/00:23:29« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> Jim, the rsc mod

»Tue/00:23:30« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> was a df spy

»Tue/00:23:31« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> whole time

»Tue/00:23:40« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> whole family got doxed and he's had to legit quit the internet

»Tue/00:23:41« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> #rot life

»Tue/00:23:47« (@Jimmy`) <@D156> fk ye im joining rot

»Tue/00:24:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> its fucked up but u can guarantee nobody else will do it for a while after that lol

»Tue/00:24:15« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> (spy)

»Tue/00:25:29« (@Jimmy`) <@Blazer> Lordkilla44
»Tue/00:25:32« (@Jimmy`) <@Blazer> they doxed his family?
»Tue/00:25:35« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> yeh
»Tue/00:25:39« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> released his siblings/uncles work shit



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»Tue/01:23:22« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> seriously though fuck df
»Tue/01:23:26« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> they pissed me off so much tonight
»Tue/01:24:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> got vexed in af-pk
»Tue/01:24:09« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%Boszy> rather not fight than lol
»Tue/01:24:09« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%`Danny> not worth
»Tue/01:24:09« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> yeah man with that mentality im sure ull rock rots world and win the crash war
»Tue/01:24:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> wait nvm
»Tue/01:24:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> you cba to fight in runescape
»Tue/01:24:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%Kendall_Jenner> lol
»Tue/01:24:11« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> * StevenID0om_ (Mibbit@ancient-fury.com) has joined #af-pk
»Tue/01:24:12« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> * Captain_Falcon sets mode: +h StevenID0om_
»Tue/01:24:12« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%Boszy> rot nerds enjoy it, so there is no point doing it lol
»Tue/01:24:13« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> so your strategy is to not pk
»Tue/01:24:13« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%Lordkilla44> because rot enjoy it
»Tue/01:24:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <%RamboRob0> i love it also

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»Mon/22:49:02« (@Jimmy`) <@Den||d1e2n3> is rot spam legit
»Mon/22:49:03« (@Jimmy`) <@Den||d1e2n3> or some script
»Mon/22:49:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> script probs
»Mon/22:49:11« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> di have one so i imagine rot do too
»Mon/22:49:44« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> Abkb| they said in game someone help bosha
»Mon/22:49:49« (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> script 4 sure


lmfao get good

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[00:40] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> well they still got a spy so they gonna know

[00:40] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> biggest pussies ever if they dot

[00:40] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> dont

[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> !joinspam set http://www.vr-rs.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=83178 - The Sunday of all Sundays - SIGN THE FUCK UP

[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> !joinspam on

[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> Defo still have an echo yh

[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> fuck it bro

[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> let them run at us

[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> our activitys only ggone up

[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> and we've gained some new fucks/old actives back

[00:47] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> Kev|

[00:47] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> should monitor over that topic see who views/doesnt post

[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> need every member with client no matter what on sunday

[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> during mass we can individually pm ppl makin them dl it

lol i rem the sunday of all sundays!

Edited by Burnt

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Can't stop reading lmfao

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[23:11] (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> rot killing us in rune faster than we kill them in addy
[23:11] (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> lol
[23:11] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> no1 in game
[23:11] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> lol
[23:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> everyone in this clan depressed?
[23:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> ye
[23:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> think so
[23:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> when u lose to forsaken and liths in cwa
[23:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> u get depressed
[23:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> k lets talk bout that after bro
[23:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> focus on this fight
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> im done talking about it
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> ive been saying same shit for 6 months now

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