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VR Admin #10

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»Mon/22:38:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> our calling was a lot better in the jagex cup imo lol

»Mon/22:38:16« (@Jimmy`) <@D156> video incoming

»Mon/22:38:38« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> our ddos game was weak tho

»Mon/22:39:16« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> ye

»Mon/22:39:23« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> if our ddos game was better we cuda won

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»Mon/22:21:00« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> <TILA> hey. are you really gonna leak fake ass pics saying its me?
»Mon/22:21:01« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> lmfao
»Mon/22:21:15« (@Jimmy`) <%Le_Bennett> have u got tilas irls
»Mon/22:21:20« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> yea
»Mon/22:21:26« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> Abkb| w83 who is that
»Mon/22:21:29« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> ff
»Mon/22:21:31« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> she got a chin like superman
»Mon/22:21:33« (@Jimmy`) <%Le_Bennett> show me Craiggg
»Mon/22:21:59« (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> Im gonna fly to Argentina and fk her til she agrees to spy for me
»Mon/22:22:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> she only rates dakill because hes a spic as well apparently

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[20:30] (@Jimmy`) <@Jimmy> u niggas were attacking a vr member spamming rot is dead
[20:30] (@Jimmy`) <@Jimmy> my face when vR
[20:30] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> l00l
[20:30] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> lmfao

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»Wed/21:55:56« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> Viet- dont pile filz and shit

»Wed/21:55:58« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> he faps to clan wars

»Wed/21:56:00« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> literally

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»Mon/23:58:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> Kygo Skimer40
»Mon/23:58:21« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> lets post our lures on rsc and reddit
»Mon/23:58:24« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> to stop rot doing it?
»Mon/23:58:39« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> start working on it then
»Mon/23:58:41« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> gotta be big
»Mon/23:58:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> we got the p2p topic in admin
»Mon/23:58:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> lol
»Mon/23:58:51« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> cant just do it in a day gotta make it huge and put laot of propaganda in
»Mon/23:59:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> "vr richest clan on 07 "

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Range Grudge

lmfao. lookin forward 2 tomorrow (THH)

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»Mon/00:41:36« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> Seth can you see passwords on the client once its done



»Mon/02:01:38« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> http://i.imgur.com/WHjRwzW.png

»Mon/02:01:45« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> client coming around boys

»Thu/01:34:53« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> sorry Lordkilla44 was testing my client on u

»Thu/01:35:58« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> http://i.imgur.com/17T1iuJ.png

»Thu/01:36:05« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> this part took me ages to find out how to do

»Thu/01:36:22« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> but it shows the persons name who im attacking/folliowing (interacting)

»Thu/01:36:36« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> and ill make it hl the attack option on right click

»Thu/01:36:50« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> ur a beast dude lol

»Thu/01:37:35« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> that picture is hard to explain without context

»Thu/01:37:45« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> im logged on my main following lordkilla

»Thu/01:37:59« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> my guy sees who im attacking/following, prints thier name and hl's right click option

»Thu/01:39:04« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> thats sick

»Thu/01:40:39« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> thats sick

»Thu/01:40:40« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> lol

»Thu/01:40:45« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> thats gnna help out so much

»Thu/01:41:46« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> sethtroll are you going to use like forum integration for the client

»Thu/01:41:49« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> so only VR can use it

»Thu/01:41:57« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> of course

»Thu/01:42:02« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> kk

»Thu/01:42:11« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> so like

»Thu/01:42:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> say we have a spy

»Thu/01:42:22« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> only he could use it via his forum details

»Sun/23:06:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> sethtroll

»Sun/23:06:48« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> u using the thing

»Sun/23:06:51« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> the client

»Sun/23:07:02« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> ye still got some work to do

»Sun/23:07:07« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> how is it working

»Sun/23:07:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> k

»Sun/23:07:12« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> but i can attack piles b4 they are even called lol

»Sun/23:07:17« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> :)

»Mon/00:43:26« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> sethtroll

»Mon/00:43:28« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> how's your client

»Mon/00:43:29« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> going

»Mon/00:43:43« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> going p good, used it today some and it helps piles alot

»Mon/00:43:50« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> still trying to figure out how to do it with mutiple callers

»Mon/00:12:04« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> http://i.imgur.com/eY1NpTq.png

»Mon/00:12:05« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> look

»Mon/00:12:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> sols client

»Tue/22:07:48« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> wat happen with sol

»Tue/22:07:51« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> u pissed him off

»Tue/22:07:56« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> he said he is done with the client

»Tue/22:08:00« (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> cause u kept mocking him

»Mon/01:45:02« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> that display name shit

»Mon/01:45:03« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> is sick

»Mon/01:45:42« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> like armas name comes in white

»Mon/01:46:06« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> is there a tutorial

»Mon/01:46:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> requesting help on getting set up with the client Abkb|

»Mon/22:51:43« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> the client is telling me

»Mon/22:51:46« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> we were doing well until

»Mon/22:51:47« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> 41 people in game and 21 missing

»Mon/22:51:49« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> ppl stopped calling

»Tue/19:23:50« (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> if u used the client y'day check if ur banned

»Tue/19:23:57« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> like

»Tue/19:24:02« (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> david got permed

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[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> fk the clan world

[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> why do these virgins always have so many people

[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> rot has 252 ops ending

[23:56] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> virgins dude

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»Wed/21:20:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> k mass now

»Wed/21:20:37« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> tell af/brut

Thu/23:34:38« (@Giggle) vr constantly whoising b289 seeing if its safe to pk

»Thu/23:34:48« (@Giggle) "HE MIGHT BE AFK WE PK NOW"

»Fri/00:43:33« (@Jimmy`) <@Blazer> how the fuck you guys got a spy with like 10 people

»Fri/00:43:37« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> idk

»Fri/00:43:40« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> idk man that is impressive

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»Tue/01:19:05« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (17:49:04) · erik · wuu2 bro
»Tue/01:19:05« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (17:49:10) · erik · sum1 is streaming ur ts
»Tue/01:19:05« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (17:49:12) · erik · on twitch
»Tue/01:19:05« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> (17:49:12) · erik · buddy
»Tue/01:19:07« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> idk if true
»Tue/01:19:09« (@Jimmy`) <%Hibrid> di is SHITTING on df
»Tue/01:19:18« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> btw they 100% have an echo
»Tue/01:19:22« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> cus as soon as viet said to log
»Tue/01:19:23« (@Jimmy`) <@Blazer> Yes
»Tue/01:19:23« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> these kid are master virgins
»Tue/01:19:24« (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> ^^
»Tue/01:19:24« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> they spammed it
»Tue/01:19:29« (@Jimmy`) <@Blazer> We have established this

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»Fri/21:15:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Mike|Cera_S6> OA leading

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Rune Evil

»Wed/21:20:08« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> k mass now

»Wed/21:20:37« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> tell af/brut

»Thu/23:29:34« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> rot has no intel on us atm Craiggg give it a bit more time



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