@Matt Report post Posted August 18, 2016 Link to AF Leader IRC This began a few months ago, We exposed AF as the only clan whose officials still DDoS their opponents. Today we reveal the rest. AF never really competed, but this is what they had to do to even get close to challenging us. My personal favorite: [17:51] (@giggle) if everyone enjoys those fights so much[17:52] (@giggle) why were we missing 9 people at 1 point[17:52] (@giggle) with 62 in the channel[17:52] (@giggle) from cc[17:52] (@Hawkeyorigin) shut the fuck upppp[17:52] (@Hawkeyorigin) bitches[17:52] (@Hawkeyorigin) deal with it[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) if you dont like whats going on step down or try and help[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) simple[17:53] (@thomas4516) Try and help[17:53] (@thomas4516) what[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) bro[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) you sit the that chan all day[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) and do fuck all[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) and when we do shit[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) its like LMFAO[17:53] (@thomas4516) and so do you[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) lol[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) lol[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) ?[17:53] (@thomas4516) before DMM[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) i lead every pk[17:54] (@thomas4516) u sat in your own chan all day[17:54] (@thomas4516) with morgan[17:54] (@thomas4516) lol[17:54] (@thomas4516) whats difference[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) i do everything thomas4516[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) what do you do[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) bitch[17:54] (@thomas4516) trying to get some e-pussy from us[17:54] (@thomas4516) awkward as fuck[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) what do you do[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) tell me[17:55] (@thomas4516) i dont need 2 tell u[17:55] (@thomas4516) you can try say oh tom u dont do owt[17:55] (@thomas4516) but u forget i dont care[17:55] (@thomas4516) lol[17:55] (@Hawkeyorigin) well then step down[17:55] (@thomas4516) take my shit then[17:55] (@Hawkeyorigin) no[17:55] (@Hawkeyorigin) you can[17:55] (@thomas4516) i dont have acp[17:55] (@Hawkeyorigin) you just said[17:56] (@Hawkeyorigin) you dont care[17:56] (@thomas4516) i dont[18:09] (@``alex``) banter[18:32] (@Ash-) ..[18:51] (@Freds) »01Sun /0117 :0144 :0154« <09@thomas4516> what even are those topics[18:51] (@Freds) your a moron[18:51] (@Freds) legit[18:52] (@Freds) honestly all you do is bring this team down[18:52] (@Freds) fucking retard bro[18:52] (@Freds) what do you even do[18:52] (@Freds) fuck all[18:52] (@Freds) piss and moan all day[18:54] (@Freds) »01Sun /0117 :0137 :0129« <09@giggle> whats there to talk about[18:54] (@Freds) theres plenty to talk about aswell[18:54] (@Freds) how can there be nothing to talk about[18:54] (@Freds) legit[18:54] (@Freds) you two talk out your asses so much Highlights (Will update as more are dug up) [17:20] (@hyodyntaa) Mon/16:53:24 (``Andy) some rot kids were in eop ts sayin rot has af admin[17:20] (@hyodyntaa) giggle Jimmy` l0[17:20] (@hyodyntaa) the fk have rot been tellin their mems O______________o O______________o - Sat/04:11:48 (@thomas4516) HawkeyoriginSat/04:11:51 (@thomas4516) u got eriks new ip?Sat/04:11:52 (@thomas4516) l0l - Thu/14:23:00 (@Hawkeyorigin) been ddosing eriks ip for past 2 daysThu/14:23:10 (@Hawkeyorigin) all that timeThu/14:23:14 (@Hawkeyorigin) lmfaoThu/14:23:17 (@thomas4516) savageThu/14:23:35 (@thomas4516) bro - Sun/21:11:16 (@Jimmy`) I'm so nervous I'm about to puke brbSun/21:13:29 (@Freds) omg im shakingSun/21:13:36 (@Freds) this is so intenseSun/21:13:55 (@Jimmy`) we're gonna win this is exactly what they did last yearSun/21:15:38 (@Freds) fuckkkkkkkSun/21:16:32 (@Jimmy`) damnSun/21:16:39 (@Freds) its overSun/21:16:43 (@Xpoza) yeSun/21:16:43 (@Xpoza) ggSun/21:16:46 (@Hikozaru) ripSun/21:16:46 (@Freds) fuck - Sun/23:02:06 (@zulu) Sun/23:01:45 (xligit) hey can you please confirm your loss (both of them) on rs forums lol thanksSun/23:02:12 (@zulu) whoever can go do itSun/23:02:15 (@zulu) lets not make it any worse - Sat/17:59:42 (@Freds) who are rotz calleds?Sat/17:59:53 (@zulu) thing is thoSat/18:00:00 (@Freds) rots callers*Sat/18:00:22 (@thomas4516) zuluSat/18:00:27 (@thomas4516) cant he get their 10v10 teamsSat/18:00:30 (@thomas4516) like BodiedSat/18:00:31 (@thomas4516) mazSat/18:00:37 (@thomas4516) and we can just save them for the 10v10Sat/18:00:38 (@thomas4516) ectSat/18:00:38 (@thomas4516) lolSat/18:00:54 (@zulu) id rather not win the 10v10 if we had to ddos them to do so honestlySat/18:00:58 (@zulu) thats bait as fuckSat/18:00:59 (@zulu) and dumbSat/18:01:13 (@thomas4516) talking about 1 personSat/18:01:15 (@thomas4516) not em allSat/18:01:25 (@thomas4516) who gives a shit how we win - Sun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) IP's still active (RoT)Sun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) Melma 186.x.xxx.xxx/190.xxx.xx.xSun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) Ov3rlord_Pkr 201.xxx.x.xxSun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) Erik 104.xx.xxx.xxSun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) Xx shadow 75.xx.xxx.xxxSun/20:45:53 (@Giggle) Phoenix 198.xxx.xx.xxxSun/20:45:54 (@Giggle) OA 166.xx.xx.xSun/20:45:55 (@Giggle) Calmir 190.xxx.xxx.xxx Sun/20:45:56 (@Giggle) Jaybird 107.xx.xxx.xx - [22:56] (@Ash-) m8 im pissed[22:56] (@Ash-) honestly[22:56] (@Hikozaru) -,-[22:56] (@giggle) and thats why we shouldnt fight rot right now bb[22:56] (@giggle) bbkm[22:57] (@Hawkeyorigin) feels worse then jcup[22:57] (@Ash-) really does - Wed/21:10:14 (@GIGGLE) HOLY FUCK Wed/21:10:15 (@GIGGLE) GOT JOKOS IP Wed/21:10:15 (@GIGGLE) LMFAL Wed/21:10:34 (@GIGGLE) Hikozaru Jimmy` PENIS Xpoza zulu Wed/21:10:34 (@GIGGLE) .masshl Wed/21:10:36 (@GIGGLE) GOT JOKOS IP Wed/21:10:36 (@GIGGLE) GOT JOKOS IP Wed/21:10:36 (@GIGGLE) Hikozaru Jimmy` PENIS Xpoza zulu Wed/21:10:36 (@GIGGLE) .masshl Wed/21:10:37 (@GIGGLE) LMFAOL Wed/21:10:40 (@GIGGLE) GL DI - Sat/22:11:40 (@Emma`) [22:10:56] <@X-> <@inf`> inb4 rushtons internetgang dropping meSat/22:11:42 (@Emma`) lmfaoSat/22:12:05 (@Giggle) xdSat/22:12:12 (@Giggle) zuluSat/22:12:13 (@Giggle) can u hit off infSat/22:12:16 (@Giggle) dont want him watching the boxingSat/22:12:17 (@Giggle) freelySat/22:13:01 (@Giggle) XX.XXX.XXX.XX - Sat/19:18:40 (@Emma`) Hawkeyorigin Sat/19:18:42 (@Emma`) [19:15:40] <@X-> <@inf`> yep classic time for my ISP to shit the bed again Sat/19:18:43 (@Emma`) lmfao Sat/19:19:04 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XXX.XXX.XX 80 919 Seconds SNMP Normal Xyz Network Sat/19:19:11 (@Hawkeyorigin) l0l Sat/19:19:18 (@Hawkeyorigin) poor kid Sat/19:34:16 (@Hawkeyorigin) 7 Seconds Sat/19:34:29 (@Hawkeyorigin) 1197 Seconds Sat/19:34:39 (@Hawkeyorigin) wahaha - Mon/00:30:49 (@thomas4516) Sclertis - XX.XXX.XX.XXXMon/00:30:52 (@thomas4516) HawkeyoriginMon/00:30:54 (@thomas4516) keep off for 1200Mon/00:31:18 (@thomas4516) what HawkeyoriginMon/00:31:23 (@thomas4516) <00:31:13> "Scleritis" dropped (connection lost)Mon/00:31:23 (@thomas4516) <00:31:16> "Derfnop" dropped (connection lost)Mon/00:31:25 (@thomas4516) XpozaMon/00:31:27 (@thomas4516) who you hittingMon/00:31:40 (@Xpoza) this 1Mon/00:31:41 (@Xpoza) XX.XX.XXX.XXX - Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:17> "Derfnop" dropped (connection lost)Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:17> "Robin" dropped (connection lost)Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:18> "Zach" dropped (connection lost)Tue/23:20:27 (@thomas4516) lmfaoTue/23:20:32 (@thomas4516) FredsTue/23:20:35 (@thomas4516) got a booter?Tue/23:23:00 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWN Tue/23:23:00 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWNTue/23:23:01 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWNTue/23:23:01 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWNTue/23:23:02 (@thomas4516) LMMMMMMMMFAOTue/23:23:06 (@thomas4516) XpozaTue/23:23:07 (@thomas4516) HawkeyoriginTue/23:23:11 (@thomas4516) ddos those 2 ips i gave uTue/23:23:12 (@thomas4516) at startTue/23:23:16 (@Xpoza) ok - Thu/21:37:14 (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> <22:37:24> "[Lavigne] Lavigne" dropped (connection lost) Thu/21:37:22 (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> <22:38:19> "[inf`] inf`" dropped (connection lost) - Mon/23:12:16 (@thomas4516) <18:12:42> "Joko189" dropped (connection lost)Mon/23:12:17 (@Dandamanyoyo) thomas4516Mon/23:12:18 (@thomas4516) XDMon/23:12:18 (@thomas4516) me - [17:52] (@giggle) why were we missing 9 people at 1 point[17:52] (@giggle) with 62 in the channel[17:52] (@giggle) from cc[17:52] (@Hawkeyorigin) shut the fuck upppp[17:52] (@Hawkeyorigin) bitches[17:52] (@Hawkeyorigin) deal with it[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) if you dont like whats going on step down or try and help[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) simple[17:53] (@thomas4516) Try and help[17:53] (@thomas4516) what[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) bro[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) you sit the that chan all day[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) and do fuck all[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) and when we do shit[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) its like LMFAO[17:53] (@thomas4516) and so do you[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) lol[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) lol[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) ?[17:53] (@thomas4516) before DMM[17:53] (@Hawkeyorigin) i lead every pk[17:54] (@thomas4516) u sat in your own chan all day[17:54] (@thomas4516) with morgan[17:54] (@thomas4516) lol[17:54] (@thomas4516) whats difference[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) i do everything thomas4516[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) what do you do[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) bitch[17:54] (@thomas4516) trying to get some e-pussy from us[17:54] (@thomas4516) awkward as fuck[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) what do you do[17:54] (@Hawkeyorigin) tell me[17:55] (@thomas4516) i dont need 2 tell u[17:55] (@thomas4516) you can try say oh tom u dont do owt[17:55] (@thomas4516) but u forget i dont care[17:55] (@thomas4516) lol[17:55] (@Hawkeyorigin) well then step down[17:55] (@thomas4516) take my shit then[17:55] (@Hawkeyorigin) no[17:55] (@Hawkeyorigin) you can[17:55] (@thomas4516) i dont have acp[17:55] (@Hawkeyorigin) you just said[17:56] (@Hawkeyorigin) you dont care[17:56] (@thomas4516) i dont[18:09] (@``alex``) banter[18:32] (@Ash-) .. - Sun/19:45:30 (@Hawkeyorigin) XpozaSun/19:45:36 (@Xpoza) yoSun/19:45:37 (@Hawkeyorigin) go buy a booterSun/19:45:45 (@Hawkeyorigin) we need more then 1Sun/19:45:46 (@Xpoza) okSun/19:45:46 (@Hawkeyorigin) if you canSun/19:45:48 (@Hawkeyorigin) secSun/19:45:50 (@Xpoza) which 1 u gotSun/19:46:09 (@Hawkeyorigin) https://booter.Sun/19:46:11 (@Hawkeyorigin) get thatSun/19:46:12 (@Hawkeyorigin) its op - Fri/01:43:50 (@Xpoza) l0lFri/01:43:56 (@Xpoza) we're creating a botFri/01:44:00 (@Xpoza) of accountsFri/01:44:02 (@Xpoza) to auto tele upFri/01:44:11 (@Xpoza) and auto target rot officials or di officialsFri/01:44:14 (@Xpoza) or whoever we're fightingFri/01:44:14 (@Xpoza) lolFri/01:44:23 (@Xpoza) would be OPFri/01:44:29 (@Xpoza) 10 bot accounts sniping nigs - Sun/21:52:36 (@Freds) Emma` my booter is goodSun/21:52:43 (@Freds) like really good - [02:31] (@giggle) we should talk to brut and get them to pk at like 8-9 [02:31] (@giggle) as soon as rot hit we hit rot and 2v1 - [00:23] (@Jimmy`) I return and just die instantly [00:23] (@Jasper`) l0l [00:24] (@giggle) bring rot painted kite+helm [00:24] (@Jimmy`) they have me on friend finder [00:24] (@Jimmy`) and have a zgs unit on me [00:25] (@Jimmy`) dead again [00:25] (@Jimmy`) jeeeeeesus [00:25] (@Jimmy`) not even 1 minute [00:25] (@Jimmy`) lmfao - Tue/21:11:23 (@Giggle) lolTue/21:11:27 (@Giggle) can we just crash dfTue/21:11:28 (@Giggle) srsTue/21:11:32 (@Giggle) theyre fucking retardedTue/21:11:33 (@Emma`) this is why df are fucking retardedTue/21:11:33 (@Chall) noTue/21:11:34 (@Hikozaru) if u suc this cocTue/21:11:56 (@Giggle) Emma` next time df fightTue/21:11:57 (@Emma`) are df gonna keep tapping first thoTue/21:12:02 (@Giggle) we gotta mass the men to flame them in cwa lolTue/21:12:06 (@Giggle) like dj valensTue/21:12:06 (@Emma`) l0lTue/21:12:09 (@Emma`) abkb styleTue/21:12:09 (@Emma`) LOL - Sun/21:19:55 (@Freds) them ips didnt work i swear Sun/21:20:00 (@Freds) i took 3 off at start Sun/21:20:04 (@Freds) no rot dropped - Fri/20:38:52 (@Giggle) Fri/21:36:34 (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> rot kid w22 cwa bankFri/20:38:53 (@Giggle) Fri/21:37:06 (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> all rot pm offFri/20:39:22 (@Arsenal) shud end and pk l8er - Wed/22:09:23 (@Ash-) if rot are out tho Wed/22:09:33 (@Ash-) dont wanna get caught out with mace gear Wed/22:10:26 (@Hawkeyorigin) dont be pking Wed/22:10:27 (@Hawkeyorigin) if rots out Wed/22:10:29 (@Hawkeyorigin) Chall Wed/22:10:31 (@Hawkeyorigin) ``alex`` - Tue/19:19:33 (@Giggle) ill bet my assTue/19:19:35 (@Giggle) rot have a staff spyTue/19:19:36 (@Giggle) in vrTue/19:19:36 (@Giggle) atmTue/19:19:39 (@zulu) probTue/19:19:40 (@Giggle) arma went on vr pkTue/19:19:42 (@Giggle) lvl 30Tue/19:19:43 (@Giggle) and got killedTue/19:19:45 (@Giggle) after a minuteTue/19:19:50 (@Giggle) he probably asked dj for details in adminTue/19:19:51 (@Giggle) and rot saw itTue/19:19:53 (@Giggle) 100%Tue/19:19:53 (@Giggle) 'lmfaoTue/19:20:13 (@Giggle) theres no way they can tell thats armaTue/19:20:17 (@Giggle) well they might of suspected itTue/19:20:24 (@Giggle) but they wouldnt bring up a scout killer that fastTue/19:20:27 (@Giggle) if they werent sureTue/19:20:28 (@Giggle) it was arma - Mon/02:51:41 (@Giggle) <03:50:23> "[Hummy] tbomas": u knwMon/02:51:41 (@Giggle) <03:50:45> "Giggle": .Mon/02:51:41 (@Giggle) <03:50:54> "[Hummy] tbomas": i sedMon/02:51:41 (@Giggle) <03:50:58> "[Hummy] tbomas": erik gunna be copyin my jokesMon/02:51:42 (@Giggle) <03:51:04> "[Hummy] tbomas": well mattyb just pms me and goesMon/02:51:43 (@Giggle) <03:51:12> "[Hummy] tbomas": who are u and y u copying rots coke jokesMon/02:51:44 (@Giggle) <03:51:13> "[Hummy] tbomas": lolMon/02:51:54 (@zulu) l00lMon/02:52:46 (@thomas4516) l0lMon/02:53:14 (@Giggle) as in he said that on ts zulu thomas4516Mon/02:53:18 (@Giggle) as in they might have had a spy onMon/02:53:19 (@Giggle) im getting logs now O______________o - Wed/22:27:11 (@Giggle) rot 100% no intel if theyre in 1 item Wed/22:27:18 (@Emma`) they dnt know anything - Fri/17:14:22 (@Hawkeyorigin) we should start mace spear pking Fri/17:14:25 (@Hawkeyorigin) if rot have no intel - Tue/20:57:10 (@Hikozaru) brut had 5 in game Emma` Tue/20:57:11 (@Hikozaru) legit Tue/20:57:12 (@Hikozaru) l0l Tue/20:57:32 (@giggle) cos they suck Tue/20:57:35 (@giggle) sv are better than them easily Tue/20:57:39 (@Hikozaru) ye - Wed/21:40:00 (@Hikozaru) <13:39:12> "[Murray] Murray" pokes you: ? Wed/21:40:00 (@Hikozaru) <13:39:20> You poked "[Murray] Murray" with message: af event Wed/21:40:00 (@Hikozaru) <13:39:26> "[Murray] Murray" pokes you: excuse me df comes first Wed/21:40:07 (@Giggle) Brian`` has been idle 13mins 54secs, signed on Wed Feb 10 18:52:21 Wed/21:40:18 (@Emma`) lol Hikozaru Wed/21:40:28 (@Giggle) thats why i told u join vr Hikozaru Wed/21:40:30 (@Giggle) they dont care if u skip Wed/21:41:02 (@Emma`) id love to crash df for 1 day Wed/21:41:05 (@Emma`) theyd rage so much Wed/21:41:14 (@Giggle) ye i said that earlier Emma` Wed/21:41:14 (@Giggle) l0l - Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) 22:53:27] <Ross> u shud be on rot tho Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) [22:53:42] <Emma> we're ending di Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) [22:54:09] <Ross> why Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) [22:54:13] <Emma> because theyer easy Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) [22:54:13] <Ross> U ruin our fight when rot as like 120 Mon/02:39:58 (@Emma`) [22:54:24] <Ross> mfw Mon/02:39:58 (@Emma`) [22:58:40] <Ross> we have bunch of ppl in af in df Mon/02:39:59 (@Emma`) [22:58:43] <Ross> cant u go kill rot Mon/02:39:59 (@Emma`) [22:58:53] <Emma> we will when di end lol Mon/02:40:12 (@Emma`) acting likle df didnt get rekt the 5 minutes we logged out - [01:17] (@hyodyntaa) toensi is a fuckin dogshit member [01:17] (@hyodyntaa) idc wat ppl say [01:18] (@hyodyntaa) hes shit [01:18] (@giggle) idc about what hes like as a member [01:18] (@giggle) we have a shitton of people that slack [01:18] (@giggle) but when he says that shit infront of rot [01:18] (@giggle) its AWK as fk - Sun/01:07:12 (@thomas) OMFG Sun/01:07:13 (@thomas) MURRAY Sun/01:07:14 (@\AFK) and gimme the ts info Sun/01:07:15 (@thomas) IS SO FUCKING GAY Sun/01:07:23 (@\AFK) tom Sun/01:07:24 (@Emma`) LMFAO - [21:25] (@Hikozaru) Fri/01:05:20 -Ross:+#df- Come play castle wars w367 [21:25] (@Hikozaru) Fri/01:25:25 <&Truefasa> TAKE SCREENSHOTS [21:25] (@Hikozaru) divine [21:25] (@Hikozaru) fucking [21:25] (@Hikozaru) forces [21:26] (@BBK) oh my god [21:26] (@BBK) jesus christ [21:26] (@Hikozaru) if u ever think vr are shit [21:27] (@Hikozaru) at least ur not gonna make a topic about a castle wars event - [21:15] (@Emma`) 21:15:20] <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> if u have donations to our spy fund (ex: hitting clans in P2P, infiltrating clans we crash) trade me north of the bank ty - anything helps all transactions are recorded - [21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:34 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> each rank hiding with 300k cash [21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:35 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> be ready [21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:36 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> u have 5min [21:38] (@Jimmy`) why is df so fucking gay [21:38] (@Jimmy`) seriously [21:38] (@Hikozaru) cuz they are [21:38] (@Hikozaru) Jimmy` they had 20 pking last night ye [21:38] (@Hikozaru) and they hit our 10 man trip [21:38] (@Hikozaru) they got butthurt cuz i called more men [21:38] (@Hikozaru) LOL [21:44] (@giggle) tell em stfu then [21:47] (@Freds) im gonna join df [21:47] (@Freds) 15:37:34 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> each rank hiding with 300k cash [21:47] (@Freds) so fun [21:48] (@Hikozaru) their events r dog shit Freds - Wed/04:49:24 (@Emma`) I SAW IN FORUM Wed/04:50:08 (@Emma`) i cant believe df are gonna let that chronicflame guy back Wed/04:50:15 (@Emma`) thats is weaker than anything di have done Wed/04:50:19 (@zulu) wasnt he joining rot Wed/04:50:32 (@Emma`) he had a change of heart and apologized to df Wed/04:50:38 (@Emma`) and said he made a mistake Wed/04:51:07 (@Giggle) df are weak as fuck Wed/04:51:08 (@Giggle) lmfao Wed/04:51:11 (@JBlaze) bro Wed/04:51:17 (@JBlaze) he spoiled who df's spy was Wed/04:51:24 (@JBlaze) chronicflame can slit his neck - Tue/16:57:17 (@Giggle) I know a lot of people on this sub think rot is all numbers because they have the most people on deadman mode but rot actually has the smallest memberlist of anyone in the pvp clan world and the only reason they are able to make the most impact despite this is because they've killed every other clan while they were young via quality and made the other major clans quit. - Mon/00:31:32 (@Hawkeyorigin) we should kick exoforceMon/00:31:39 (@Emma`) he is pretty badMon/00:31:55 (@Giggle) hes activeMon/00:32:00 (@Hawkeyorigin) hes a retardMon/00:32:09 (@Hawkeyorigin) i bet he hits like 1/100 piles - Wed/15:33:04 (@Jimmy`) lord jamaul is a fuckin downieWed/15:33:07 (@Jimmy`) and he was in the channelWed/15:33:08 (@Jimmy`) unmutedWed/15:33:11 (@Jimmy`) and I didn't know Wed/15:34:11 (@Freds) we should kick him soonWed/15:34:14 (@Freds) he will spy probWed/15:34:14 (@Jimmy`) ye - Thu/16:27:01 (@Giggle) rot legit take pride in having the most in their IRCThu/16:27:04 (@Giggle) fuck that shitThu/16:27:05 (@Giggle) im setting up bncs Thu/16:28:50 (@Giggle) zulu thomas4516Thu/16:28:54 (@Giggle) wtf do we name the idler..Thu/16:28:54 (@Giggle) lolThu/16:29:01 (@thomas4516) name it random shitThu/16:29:02 (@thomas4516) lolThu/16:29:03 (@Giggle) zulu imagine when the bnc goes down thoThu/16:29:04 (@Giggle) LMFAOThu/16:29:06 (@zulu) anythinThu/16:29:06 (@zulu) LOLThu/16:29:07 (@thomas4516) lmfaoThu/16:29:07 (@Giggle) like 100 people will ping outThu/16:29:10 (@Giggle) FUC ITThu/16:29:16 (@zulu) nicethug450Thu/16:29:33 (@zulu) make sure logging isnt ticked GiggleThu/16:29:40 (@zulu) or we're gonna fuck the data in the ass Thu/16:38:15 (@Giggle) got +3 idlers zulu sonThu/16:38:15 (@Giggle) lolThu/16:38:18 (@Giggle) how many is it per ipv6Thu/16:38:19 (@Giggle) 3 or 4Thu/16:38:21 (@zulu) threeThu/16:38:30 (@Giggle) 2a04:ad80:0:f9::31Thu/16:38:38 (@Giggle) say a couple names while i make these zuluThu/16:41:37 (@Giggle) thomas4516 zuluThu/16:41:39 (@Giggle) im runnin out of namesThu/16:41:39 (@Giggle) lmfaoThu/16:41:42 (@thomas4516) LOLThu/16:41:44 (@Giggle) ive put 5 in thereThu/16:41:45 (@zulu) l00l0lThu/16:41:49 (@Giggle) zuluThu/16:41:49 (@Giggle) it takes likeThu/16:41:51 (@Giggle) 20 secondsThu/16:41:52 (@Giggle) to set 1 upThu/16:41:55 (@Giggle) maxThu/16:44:42 (@Giggle) zuluThu/16:44:42 (@Giggle) Thu/17:44:36 * CTUser932 (~CTUser932@F84FCEDA:B25AF7FD:82C13DDC:IP) has joined #afThu/16:44:48 (@zulu) lfmaoThu/16:44:48 (@zulu) brfoThu/16:44:50 (@zulu) they all haveThu/16:44:51 (@zulu) same hostmaskThu/16:44:57 (@Giggle) ikThu/16:44:58 (@Giggle) LOLThu/16:45:12 (@thomas4516) LOLThu/16:45:24 (@thomas4516) broThu/16:45:27 (@thomas4516) make some pure names likeThu/16:45:33 (@thomas4516) [FI]PurepkerThu/16:45:34 (@thomas4516) or somethingThu/16:45:35 (@thomas4516) fuck itThu/16:45:36 (@thomas4516) loThu/16:45:47 (@Giggle) o yeThu/16:46:47 (@Giggle) 2a04:ad80:0:f9::32Thu/16:48:09 (@zulu) * [FI]Crash23Thu/16:48:09 (@Giggle) fi crash23Thu/16:48:10 (@zulu) lmfaoThu/16:48:10 (@Giggle) hell yesThu/16:48:11 (@zulu) fuck sakeThu/16:48:46 (@zulu) https://gyazo.com/bb...1389f80521430dcThu/16:49:31 (@Giggle) we can do it zulu Leader IRC isn't all we got to show, but it's a good start. 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erik Report post Posted August 18, 2016 god I wish I could get 1 on 1 with the fat british kid kyle in af FUCKING DELICIOUS LEAK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Jagerblue Report post Posted August 18, 2016 All images, for science, gl 56k. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
slurm Report post Posted August 18, 2016 (edited) LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO first off i would like thank zulu for ddosing me and ty jimmy for standing up for me... Edited August 18, 2016 by slurm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Andrew Report post Posted August 18, 2016 DDoS every IP they can get their hands on still 0 wins lmfao Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Danker Report post Posted August 18, 2016 (edited) if your reading this another AF official spied Edited August 18, 2016 by Dan` Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ballsagna Report post Posted August 18, 2016 ty zulu Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Del Report post Posted August 18, 2016 (edited) [21:34] (@BBK) god the pathetic attitudes in VR admin [21:34] (@BBK) sicken me[21:34] (@BBK) its like speaking to 14 year old autistics[21:35] (@Emma`) its like they all hate each other lmfao[21:35] (@Ash-) l0l0l0[21:35] (@Ash-) dnt get how u can run a clan with people and flame each other like that lmfao[21:35] (@Emma`) cos thats what the rest of the clan does as[21:35] (@Arsenal) now we know why all their officials spy for rod[21:35] (@Emma`) Ash-[21:35] (@Ash-) its like working with some retard at work but u just tolerate them Edited August 19, 2016 by Del Muro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Ethan Report post Posted August 18, 2016 (edited) Sun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) IP's still active (RoT)Sun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) Melma XX.XX.XX.XX /XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) Ov3rlord_Pkr XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) Erik XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:45:52 (@Giggle) Xx shadow XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:45:53 (@Giggle) Phoenix XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:45:54 (@Giggle) OA XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:45:55 (@Giggle) Calmir XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:45:56 (@Giggle) Jaybird XX.XX.XX.XX [22:56] (@Ash-) m8 im pissed[22:56] (@Ash-) honestly[22:56] (@Hikozaru) -,-[22:56] (@giggle) and thats why we shouldnt fight rot right now bb[22:56] (@giggle) bbkm[22:57] (@Hawkeyorigin) feels worse then jcup[22:57] (@Ash-) really does Sun/20:01:48 (@Hawkeyorigin) GiggleSun/20:01:52 (@Hawkeyorigin) got all the static ipsSun/20:01:53 (@Hawkeyorigin) i haveSun/20:01:56 (@Hawkeyorigin) Xpoza Sun/20:02:02 (@Hawkeyorigin) Aniee XX.XX.XX.XXSun/20:02:02 (@Hawkeyorigin) Aire XX.XX.XX.XXSun/20:02:02 (@Hawkeyorigin) Sterile XX.XX.XX.XXSun/20:02:02 (@Hawkeyorigin) Nick Numbers XX.XX.XX.XXSun/20:02:02 (@Hawkeyorigin) Firywynter XX.XX.XX.XXSun/20:02:03 (@Hawkeyorigin) Paul - XX.XX.XX.XXSun/20:02:03 (@Hawkeyorigin) Ghjjf - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:04 (@Hawkeyorigin) Lavigne - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:04 (@Hawkeyorigin) Firywynter - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:05 (@Hawkeyorigin) Howyodoing - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:05 (@Hawkeyorigin) Brandon- - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:06 (@Hawkeyorigin) Ahaam - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:06 (@Hawkeyorigin) Amstrdam XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:07 (@Hawkeyorigin) Guvnor XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:07 (@Hawkeyorigin) Gwarzo XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:08 (@Hawkeyorigin) Goaaal XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:08 (@Hawkeyorigin) Derfnop XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:09 (@Hawkeyorigin) Magista XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:09 (@Hawkeyorigin) Fight XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:10 (@Hawkeyorigin) Kaunetis - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:10 (@Hawkeyorigin) Malparido - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:11 (@Hawkeyorigin) Booma - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:11 (@Hawkeyorigin) Armin - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:12 (@Hawkeyorigin) DannyRS_H - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:12 (@Hawkeyorigin) Brandon H - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:13 (@Hawkeyorigin) Alan_H - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:13 (@Hawkeyorigin) Kurwa_H - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:14 (@Hawkeyorigin) Kallo_H - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:14 (@Hawkeyorigin) ROTSun/20:02:15 (@Hawkeyorigin) Erik - XX.XX.XX.XX - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:15 (@Hawkeyorigin) Xx shadow XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:16 (@Hawkeyorigin) Melma - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:16 (@Hawkeyorigin) Overlord_Pk3r - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:17 (@Hawkeyorigin) Ste XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:17 (@Hawkeyorigin) Mojo - XX.XX.XX.XX Sun/20:02:18 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XX.XX.XX splashySun/20:02:18 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XX.XX.XX pheonixSun/20:02:19 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XX.XX.XX OASun/20:02:19 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XX.XX.XX jcjackSun/20:02:20 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XX.XX.XX juanSun/20:02:20 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XX.XX.XX calmirSun/20:02:21 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XX.XX.XX jaybirdSun/20:02:21 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XX.XX.XX- imsobeastSun/20:02:22 (@Hawkeyorigin) note themSun/20:02:28 (@Hawkeyorigin) all static Thu/00:54:47 (@Giggle) yo Xpoza Jimmy` zulu Hikozaru can u guys get some ips from #heylmfao Thu/00:54:53 (@Giggle) i cbf adding more ive done liek 100 Wed/21:10:14 (@GIGGLE) HOLY FUCK Wed/21:10:15 (@GIGGLE) GOT JOKOS IP Wed/21:10:15 (@GIGGLE) LMFAL Wed/21:10:34 (@GIGGLE) Hikozaru Jimmy` PENIS Xpoza zulu Wed/21:10:34 (@GIGGLE) .masshl Wed/21:10:36 (@GIGGLE) GOT JOKOS IP Wed/21:10:36 (@GIGGLE) GOT JOKOS IP Wed/21:10:36 (@GIGGLE) Hikozaru Jimmy` PENIS Xpoza zulu Wed/21:10:36 (@GIGGLE) .masshl Wed/21:10:37 (@GIGGLE) LMFAOL Wed/21:10:40 (@GIGGLE) GL DI Sat/22:11:40 (@Emma`) [22:10:56] <@X-> <@inf`> inb4 rushtons internetgang dropping meSat/22:11:42 (@Emma`) lmfaoSat/22:12:05 (@Giggle) xdSat/22:12:12 (@Giggle) zuluSat/22:12:13 (@Giggle) can u hit off infSat/22:12:16 (@Giggle) dont want him watching the boxingSat/22:12:17 (@Giggle) freelySat/22:13:01 (@Giggle) XX.XXX.XXX.XX Sat/19:18:40 (@Emma`) Hawkeyorigin Sat/19:18:42 (@Emma`) [19:15:40] <@X-> <@inf`> yep classic time for my ISP to shit the bed again Sat/19:18:43 (@Emma`) lmfao Sat/19:19:04 (@Hawkeyorigin) XX.XXX.XXX.XX 80 919 Seconds SNMP Normal Xyz Network Sat/19:19:11 (@Hawkeyorigin) l0l Sat/19:19:18 (@Hawkeyorigin) poor kid Sat/19:34:16 (@Hawkeyorigin) 7 Seconds Sat/19:34:29 (@Hawkeyorigin) 1197 Seconds Sat/19:34:39 (@Hawkeyorigin) wahaha Mon/00:30:49 (@thomas4516) Sclertis - XX.XXX.XX.XXXMon/00:30:52 (@thomas4516) HawkeyoriginMon/00:30:54 (@thomas4516) keep off for 1200Mon/00:31:18 (@thomas4516) what HawkeyoriginMon/00:31:23 (@thomas4516) <00:31:13> "Scleritis" dropped (connection lost)Mon/00:31:23 (@thomas4516) <00:31:16> "Derfnop" dropped (connection lost)Mon/00:31:25 (@thomas4516) XpozaMon/00:31:27 (@thomas4516) who you hittingMon/00:31:40 (@Xpoza) this 1Mon/00:31:41 (@Xpoza) XX.XX.XXX.XXX Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:17> "Derfnop" dropped (connection lost)Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:17> "Robin" dropped (connection lost)Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:18> "Zach" dropped (connection lost)Tue/23:20:27 (@thomas4516) lmfaoTue/23:20:32 (@thomas4516) FredsTue/23:20:35 (@thomas4516) got a booter?Tue/23:23:00 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWN Tue/23:23:00 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWNTue/23:23:01 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWNTue/23:23:01 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWNTue/23:23:02 (@thomas4516) LMMMMMMMMFAOTue/23:23:06 (@thomas4516) XpozaTue/23:23:07 (@thomas4516) HawkeyoriginTue/23:23:11 (@thomas4516) ddos those 2 ips i gave uTue/23:23:12 (@thomas4516) at startTue/23:23:16 (@Xpoza) ok Thu/21:37:14 (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> <22:37:24> "[Lavigne] Lavigne" dropped (connection lost) Thu/21:37:22 (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> <22:38:19> "[inf`] inf`" dropped (connection lost) Mon/23:12:16 (@thomas4516) <18:12:42> "Joko189" dropped (connection lost)Mon/23:12:17 (@Dandamanyoyo) thomas4516Mon/23:12:18 (@thomas4516) XDMon/23:12:18 (@thomas4516) me Edited August 19, 2016 by Ethann Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
Rebel Report post Posted August 18, 2016 w000000t Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
`Zach Report post Posted August 18, 2016 (edited) oi wag2 bruvs init Edited August 18, 2016 by `Zach Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0