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Actually disgusting how much they DDoS lol

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Wed/22:27:11 (@Giggle) rot 100% no intel if theyre in 1 item

Wed/22:27:18 (@Emma`) they dnt know anything

Fri/17:14:22 (@Hawkeyorigin) we should start mace spear pking

Fri/17:14:25 (@Hawkeyorigin) if rot have no intel

Thu/22:18:48 (@Giggle) need peopel on rot

Thu/22:18:49 (@Freds) tell brut to take di

Thu/22:18:55 (@Giggle) brut wont hit di

Thu/22:18:56 (@Giggle) tell vr

Thu/22:21:02 (@Freds) all night baby

Thu/22:21:27 (@Hawkeyorigin) yo

Thu/22:21:32 (@Hawkeyorigin) we should leave at a set time

Wed/22:09:23 (@Ash-) if rot are out tho

Wed/22:09:33 (@Ash-) dont wanna get caught out with mace gear

Wed/22:10:26 (@Hawkeyorigin) dont be pking

Wed/22:10:27 (@Hawkeyorigin) if rots out

Wed/22:10:29 (@Hawkeyorigin) Chall

Wed/22:10:31 (@Hawkeyorigin) ``alex``

Tue/20:57:10 (@Hikozaru) brut had 5 in game Emma`

Tue/20:57:11 (@Hikozaru) legit

Tue/20:57:12 (@Hikozaru) l0l

Tue/20:57:32 (@giggle) cos they suck

Tue/20:57:35 (@giggle) sv are better than them easily

Tue/20:57:39 (@Hikozaru) ye

Thu/14:23:00 (@Hawkeyorigin) been ddosing eriks ip for past 2 days

Thu/14:23:10 (@Hawkeyorigin) all that time

Thu/14:23:14 (@Hawkeyorigin) lmfao

Sun/20:59:12 (@thomas4516) Giggle u there

Sun/20:59:46 (@thomas4516) Hawkeyorigin

Sun/20:59:49 (@thomas4516) get your booter up

Sun/20:59:50 (@Hawkeyorigin) ye

Sun/20:59:52 (@thomas4516) Xpoza

Sun/20:59:53 (@Hawkeyorigin) its up

Sun/20:59:53 (@thomas4516) ^

Sun/21:00:01 (@thomas4516) who else has

Sun/21:00:07 (@thomas4516) ive got like 9 ips

Sun/21:00:07 (@thomas4516) lol

Sun/21:01:20 (@thomas4516) Hawkeyorigin

Sun/21:01:23 (@thomas4516) pmed u 3 ips 2 hit

Sun/21:01:24 (@thomas4516) Xpoza ^

Sun/21:19:55 (@Freds) them ips didnt work i swear

Sun/21:20:00 (@Freds) i took 3 off at start

Sun/21:20:04 (@Freds) no rot dropped

Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:17> "Derfnop" dropped (connection lost)

Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:17> "Robin" dropped (connection lost)

Tue/23:20:25 (@thomas4516) <23:20:18> "Zach" dropped (connection lost)

Tue/23:20:27 (@thomas4516) lmfao

Tue/23:20:32 (@thomas4516) Freds

Tue/23:20:35 (@thomas4516) got a booter?

Tue/23:23:00 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWN

Tue/23:23:00 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWN

Tue/23:23:01 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWN

Tue/23:23:01 (@thomas4516) THEY'RE 8 MAN DOWN

Tue/23:23:02 (@thomas4516) LMMMMMMMMFAO

Tue/23:23:06 (@thomas4516) Xpoza

Tue/23:23:07 (@thomas4516) Hawkeyorigin

Tue/23:23:11 (@thomas4516) ddos those 2 ips i gave u

Tue/23:23:12 (@thomas4516) at start

Tue/23:23:16 (@Xpoza) ok

Wed/21:40:00 (@Hikozaru) <13:39:12> "[Murray] Murray" pokes you: ?

Wed/21:40:00 (@Hikozaru) <13:39:20> You poked "[Murray] Murray" with message: af event

Wed/21:40:00 (@Hikozaru) <13:39:26> "[Murray] Murray" pokes you: excuse me df comes first

Wed/21:40:07 (@Giggle) Brian`` has been idle 13mins 54secs, signed on Wed Feb 10 18:52:21

Wed/21:40:18 (@Emma`) lol Hikozaru

Wed/21:40:28 (@Giggle) thats why i told u join vr Hikozaru

Wed/21:40:30 (@Giggle) they dont care if u skip

Wed/21:41:02 (@Emma`) id love to crash df for 1 day

Wed/21:41:05 (@Emma`) theyd rage so much

Wed/21:41:14 (@Giggle) ye i said that earlier Emma`

Wed/21:41:14 (@Giggle) l0l

Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) 22:53:27] <Ross> u shud be on rot tho

Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) [22:53:42] <Emma> we're ending di

Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) [22:54:09] <Ross> why

Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) [22:54:13] <Emma> because theyer easy

Mon/02:39:57 (@Emma`) [22:54:13] <Ross> U ruin our fight when rot as like 120

Mon/02:39:58 (@Emma`) [22:54:24] <Ross> mfw

Mon/02:39:58 (@Emma`) [22:58:40] <Ross> we have bunch of ppl in af in df

Mon/02:39:59 (@Emma`) [22:58:43] <Ross> cant u go kill rot

Mon/02:39:59 (@Emma`) [22:58:53] <Emma> we will when di end lol

Mon/02:40:12 (@Emma`) acting likle df didnt get rekt the 5 minutes we logged out

[01:17] (@hyodyntaa) toensi is a fuckin dogshit member

[01:17] (@hyodyntaa) idc wat ppl say

[01:18] (@hyodyntaa) hes shit

[01:18] (@giggle) idc about what hes like as a member

[01:18] (@giggle) we have a shitton of people that slack

[01:18] (@giggle) but when he says that shit infront of rot

[01:18] (@giggle) its AWK as fk

[02:31] (@giggle) we should talk to brut and get them to pk at like 8-9

[02:31] (@giggle) as soon as rot hit we hit rot and 2v1

[00:23] (@Jimmy`) I return and just die instantly

[00:23] (@Jasper`) l0l

[00:24] (@giggle) bring rot painted kite+helm

[00:24] (@Jimmy`) they have me on friend finder

[00:24] (@Jimmy`) and have a zgs unit on me

[00:25] (@Jimmy`) dead again

[00:25] (@Jimmy`) jeeeeeesus

[00:25] (@Jimmy`) not even 1 minute

[00:25] (@Jimmy`) lmfao

Sun/01:07:12 (@thomas) OMFG

Sun/01:07:13 (@thomas) MURRAY

Sun/01:07:14 (@\AFK) and gimme the ts info

Sun/01:07:15 (@thomas) IS SO FUCKING GAY

Sun/01:07:23 (@\AFK) tom

Sun/01:07:24 (@Emma`) LMFAO

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) Fri/01:05:20 -Ross:+#df- Come play castle wars w367

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) Fri/01:25:25 <&Truefasa> TAKE SCREENSHOTS

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) divine

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) fucking

[21:25] (@Hikozaru) forces

[21:26] (@BBK) oh my god

[21:26] (@BBK) jesus christ

[21:26] (@Hikozaru) if u ever think vr are shit

[21:27] (@Hikozaru) at least ur not gonna make a topic about a castle wars event

[21:15] (@Emma`) 21:15:20] <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> if u have donations to our spy fund (ex: hitting clans in P2P, infiltrating clans we crash) trade me north of the bank ty - anything helps all transactions are recorded

[21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:34 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> each rank hiding with 300k cash

[21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:35 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> be ready

[21:38] (@Jimmy`) 15:37:36 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> u have 5min

[21:38] (@Jimmy`) why is df so fucking gay

[21:38] (@Jimmy`) seriously

[21:38] (@Hikozaru) cuz they are

[21:38] (@Hikozaru) Jimmy` they had 20 pking last night ye

[21:38] (@Hikozaru) and they hit our 10 man trip

[21:38] (@Hikozaru) they got butthurt cuz i called more men

[21:38] (@Hikozaru) LOL

[21:44] (@giggle) tell em stfu then

[21:47] (@Freds) im gonna join df

[21:47] (@Freds) 15:37:34 <@Hikozaru> <@Truefasa> each rank hiding with 300k cash

[21:47] (@Freds) so fun

[21:48] (@Hikozaru) their events r dog shit Freds

Wed/04:49:24 (@Emma`) I SAW IN FORUM

Wed/04:50:08 (@Emma`) i cant believe df are gonna let that chronicflame guy back

Wed/04:50:15 (@Emma`) thats is weaker than anything di have done

Wed/04:50:19 (@zulu) wasnt he joining rot

Wed/04:50:32 (@Emma`) he had a change of heart and apologized to df

Wed/04:50:38 (@Emma`) and said he made a mistake

Wed/04:51:07 (@Giggle) df are weak as fuck

Wed/04:51:08 (@Giggle) lmfao

Wed/04:51:11 (@JBlaze) bro

Wed/04:51:17 (@JBlaze) he spoiled who df's spy was

Wed/04:51:24 (@JBlaze) chronicflame can slit his neck

Tue/16:57:17 (@Giggle) I know a lot of people on this sub think rot is all numbers because they have the most people on deadman mode but rot actually has the smallest memberlist of anyone in the pvp clan world and the only reason they are able to make the most impact despite this is because they've killed every other clan while they were young via quality and made the other major clans quit.

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man thomas made kyle his bitch

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lmfao cuckin' niggas left n right

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ctrl f ddos for an insidie scoop on af's secret tactics

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EDIT: ty for dox threat zulu. thats a no vote

Edited by Filz

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Mon/00:31:32 (@Hawkeyorigin) we should kick exoforce
Mon/00:31:39 (@Emma`) he is pretty bad
Mon/00:31:55 (@Giggle) hes active
Mon/00:32:00 (@Hawkeyorigin) hes a retard
Mon/00:32:09 (@Hawkeyorigin) i bet he hits like 1/100 piles

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Wed/15:33:04 (@Jimmy`) lord jamaul is a fuckin downie
Wed/15:33:07 (@Jimmy`) and he was in the channel
Wed/15:33:08 (@Jimmy`) unmuted
Wed/15:33:11 (@Jimmy`) and I didn't know

Wed/15:34:11 (@Freds) we should kick him soon
Wed/15:34:14 (@Freds) he will spy prob
Wed/15:34:14 (@Jimmy`) ye

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Dey fookin wish dey had dis ts echo m8

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