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Rev+AF+Jaja+DF+VR+Liths+Vit+VR+SR+FL+DK+Cards (12)....Still not enough clans.

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lmfao i dare you to try again 

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minimap lmfao

retards got farmed

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That was some serious smoke, #MSGA

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imascaper dropped out of college for this??

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King of Liths

imscaper still trying to boost morale with his fake laugh... 

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If anyone in rev actually believes their propaganda after this just smh my head.


RoT always wins, always has always will. Pussies

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This is what happens when pod ppl forget their Pod LOLOLOL 

iirc I solo 2 hit about 7 or 8 mages standing on the outskirts LOL 

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looks sick big smoke

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Garbanzo clans

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Kkz got kicked from DI and cried to brian for 20 minutes about rejoining lol  !!!!!

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Easy, 2 bad they didnt last longer

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