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Revenant merged with Rage just to get ended again

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9 minutes ago, Ouija said:

dead fucken clans lmao


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10 minutes ago, Accel said:

rev closed


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easiest shit ever no way rev+rage merged just to get ended in 30mins

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not a good time to be antirot

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14 minutes ago, jackk said:

rev and int cleared


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14 minutes ago, vibz said:

all it took was 6mo for rage and rev to get on the same teamspeak l000000000000000


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14 minutes ago, Daddy Noel said:

so ez lol


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15 minutes ago, Mike7 said:

l000l so easy


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15 minutes ago, vibz said:



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15 minutes ago, Tendies said:

Rev forced to merge with pures, not a good look LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


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15 minutes ago, dexys said:

we always win


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easy as fuck l0000000000000000000000000l

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knee on scaper's fat neck lmfao

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