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RoT vs TR+Gladz

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Reign of Terror went out on this fine Wednesday in search of P2P action. We massed up 80 options and left for P2P.



RoT Starting: 80~



We scouted all P2P PVP worlds to find nothing more then a few 2-5 man teams and quickly cleared them, being bored and feeling risky we went out into F2P.

Upon scouting we found DW, who was quickly cleared and refused to come back up and fight. Soon after 10 or so Adelais members logged in and were quickly slaughtered, just before RoT was going to end we get word of Gladz had 70 options, we quickly hopped and the fight began at Greater Demons.



RoT Starting: 80~

Gladz starting: 70~





The fight began with RoT having the upper hand and forcing Gladz to walk to single, soon after this RoT heard of a small clan at Spider hill and went there, to our surprise when we returned TR had rushed Gladz, not being one to back down from a 2v1 RoT knew we'd have to be organized to take on 2 clans.


Gladz+TR Starting: 130

RoT Starting: ~80


RoT began the fight by rushing Gladz+TR at Greater Demons, and after 10 minutes of pushing them to single we got word that Gladz+TR had left, leaving RoT victorious despite being heavily outnumbered.






Goodfight Gladz+TR.

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X  Str    X

Was fun 2 kills 0 deaths binded all time we was in f2p

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2 kills 0 deaths. Most fun I've had in f2p in a while.





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just as I leave to work out ffs..

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A Pimp Named Slickback

wasnt there looked good

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Was walking my pet fish, sorry I couldn't make it.

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decent lol just shows how much better we are with little opts and not a shitload of idiots.

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decent lol just shows how much better we are with little opts and not a shitload of idiots.


Was because we had binders.

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