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Hell  Pure

Leader of welfarers, he didn't even eat, just turned pray on and I spec'd him through pray, and he was like 'wtf', made me lol irl at the time, already made a topic about it though.




Notice the ring of life ^ didn't work :(


edit: changed PC's since old wildy, otherwise it would probably be the last kill I got in old wild.

Edited by Hell Pure

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First whip kill. I never really took kill pics.

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he was like on 10 brews+ and like 20 secs left he was mine and bdracings targ i hit a 60 d bolt and bd hit a 38 d bolt spec l0l

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lol zero fear1



lol me titties and dreamofunity were bhing at like 3am. ip controlled middle with like 12 ppl. we lured walterpenn's brother away from the dd and dropped him in 30 seconds right infront of ip.




Edited by Solshy

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most expensive old wild kill:




first ddk kill:




first Jordan whip kill:




First Ghjjf whip kill:



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Bs Emperor

Had a really good Bh kill but my computer just got re-formated so good fight to all my good pictures. :(

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tomisme arent u di lol

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sorry i didnt get it on the pile i paniced lool.

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Including the fury.


Was my first target kill in new BH

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Probly the 7 kills pic i have of h0z for hybrid. If i go to my dads ill get them off his comp and post them.

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Already posted favorite old wild kill, here's my favorite BH kill:




Unlimited leader dropped for like 10m+ and void + fire cape.

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Fuck you Zach and keep dreaming Matty




When I was in MM this kid was like the best pker ever, had like 99 range hp mage and str was like 82 cmb and like MM leader, led the Ts crew w/ Overkill as well. We were pking with like full banks he had a santa and I had ranger boots and we traded K0 pker our shit to hold while we Dm, I speced him like a 20 21 with msb before the range prays even came out as he was going to spec me out with his dds. On the very same day I pked 2 whips which were like 3~m then, was a good day for me.

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Fuck you Zach and keep dreaming Matty




When I was in MM this kid was like the best pker ever, had like 99 range hp mage and str was like 82 cmb and like MM leader, led the Ts crew w/ Overkill as well. We were pking with like full banks he had a santa and I had ranger boots and we traded K0 pker our shit to hold while we Dm, I speced him like a 20 21 with msb before the range prays even came out as he was going to spec me out with his dds. On the very same day I pked 2 whips which were like 3~m then, was a good day for me.

He was the shittiest staker ever.

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