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Oh EoS.......

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Kids these days, Spending IRL money on a video game.

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Btw you're retarded if you think we'd ddos, we lost our forums for half this forum and have gone through like 8 teamspeak servers too cos we kept getting shut down by our hosts for having huge fuck off bandwith, this is just some retarded propaganda attempt by a clan that dosn't have wilderness events anymore. Take your pic of the 6-7 clans that applies to



Every clan has atleast one person that has the capability to ddos, in your clan it's probably bono. You're not saints, learn that already.


And they're not fake, no one would waste their time faking logs. At all. It also wouldn't coincidentally contain two aussie friends for no reason.


he has plenty of time to ddos retards at uni in liverpool when hes barely on 1 hour a week, your right

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Btw you're retarded if you think we'd ddos, we lost our forums for half this forum and have gone through like 8 teamspeak servers too cos we kept getting shut down by our hosts for having huge fuck off bandwith, this is just some retarded propaganda attempt by a clan that dosn't have wilderness events anymore. Take your pic of the 6-7 clans that applies to



Every clan has atleast one person that has the capability to ddos, in your clan it's probably bono. You're not saints, learn that already.


And they're not fake, no one would waste their time faking logs. At all. It also wouldn't coincidentally contain two aussie friends for no reason.


he has plenty of time to ddos retards at uni in liverpool when hes barely on 1 hour a week, your right


Well the logs arent fake, good luck finding someone who wants to ddos for you! :cheers:

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Btw you're retarded if you think we'd ddos, we lost our forums for half this forum and have gone through like 8 teamspeak servers too cos we kept getting shut down by our hosts for having huge fuck off bandwith, this is just some retarded propaganda attempt by a clan that dosn't have wilderness events anymore. Take your pic of the 6-7 clans that applies to



one of your officials already said that the people in the logs were warned about it lol, so either your making up bs and Its real or the other official is making up bs.

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