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Oh EoS.......

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Link: http://www.paste-it.com/view/7385338


EDIT: Credits goes to sigex3hy (sigex) for posting logs lol


Session Start: Wed Sep 08 09:18:32 2010

Session Ident: #34223525

[09:18] * Now talking in #34223525

[09:19] * sa (Snake@Swift-565EDF76.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #34223525

[09:19] <@Brosupport> Ok

[09:19] <@Brosupport> Shane

[09:19] * Brosupport sets mode: +s

[09:19] <sigex3hy> yeah

[09:19] <@Brosupport> +s

[09:19] <@Brosupport> Is it possible

[09:19] <sa> were talkin about this in ts

[09:19] <sa> atm

[09:19] * EOS_Oli (~lmaono@Swift-31C82563.bb.sky.com) has joined #34223525

[09:19] <@Brosupport> Ok

[09:19] <sigex3hy> iron.typefrag.com 6861

[09:19] <sigex3hy> come to this vent

[09:19] <sa> dont have vent atm

[09:19] <@Brosupport> I don't have a mic

[09:19] <@Brosupport> >.<

[09:20] <@Brosupport> Hense the IRC convo

[09:20] <@Brosupport> But is it possible

[09:20] <@Brosupport> For you/h4cky0u

[09:20] <@Brosupport> To destroy DF

[09:20] <sigex3hy> lmao

[09:20] <EOS_Oli> l0l

[09:20] <@Brosupport> Again

[09:20] <sigex3hy> i could permanently end df

[09:20] <sigex3hy> with enough effort

[09:20] <@Brosupport> You hacked them last year

[09:20] <sigex3hy> and if i couldnt

[09:20] <sigex3hy> i could get blackup

[09:21] <@Brosupport> Is Steam still around?

[09:21] <sigex3hy> how much $ we talking

[09:21] <@Brosupport> Do help you

[09:21] <sigex3hy> lol

[09:21] <sigex3hy> rose is better than steem

[09:21] <sigex3hy> rose is h4cky0u owner

[09:21] <@Brosupport> Oh

[09:21] <@Brosupport> Well, will it be a swift process

[09:21] <@Brosupport> Or will it take time

[09:22] <sigex3hy> few days

[09:22] <@Brosupport> To make them 100% Unaccessable

[09:22] <@Brosupport> So they have to buy new forums and start from scratch

[09:22] <sigex3hy> yes

[09:22] <sa> theyd have it sqld

[09:23] <@Brosupport> So how much does it cost to get work like this done Shane

[09:23] <@Brosupport> For the full monty

[09:24] * Brosupport sets mode: +S

[09:24] <@Brosupport> +S

[09:25] <@Brosupport> »¤ sigex3hy ¤«

[09:25] <sigex3hy> um

[09:25] <sigex3hy> well lets have a look at the target

[09:25] <sigex3hy> link me to the forum

[09:26] <@Brosupport> »¤ sa ¤« give him link

[09:26] <sa> sec\

[09:26] <EOS_Oli> http://rs-df.com/forums/

[09:29] <@Brosupport> These forums suck

[09:29] <EOS_Oli> lol

[09:36] <sigex3hy> sorry back

[09:36] <sigex3hy> i need an acc

[09:36] <sigex3hy> to login with

[09:37] <@Brosupport> Guest or member account

[09:49] <sigex3hy> fuck i keep forgetting about this chat

[09:49] <sigex3hy> what can guest view?

[09:52] <@Brosupport> I don't know

[09:52] <@Brosupport> I don't have an account

[09:52] <@Brosupport> What do you need to see?

[09:56] <sigex3hy> check the forum for vulns

[10:04] <sigex3hy> Brosupport

[10:04] <sigex3hy> sa

[10:04] <sa> hi

[10:04] <sigex3hy> how about permanent ddos?

[10:04] <sa> what does that

[10:05] <sa> do

[10:05] <sigex3hy> no site no vent

[10:06] <@Brosupport> So they will be down forever sigex3hy?

[10:06] <sigex3hy> Down until they leave the clan world

[10:06] <sigex3hy> or.. who owns df now?

[10:06] <@Brosupport> Owns the forums?

[10:06] <sigex3hy> yh

[10:06] <@Brosupport> Not sure

[10:07] <@Brosupport> I'm guessing one of the leaders

[10:07] <sa> O.o

[10:07] <sa> how much would that cost

[10:07] <sigex3hy> how much u spending

[10:07] <sa> idk akon knows the prices lol

[10:08] <sigex3hy> that kids a retard

[10:08] <@Brosupport> How much does it take to drop fourms

[10:08] <@Brosupport> Permanently

[10:08] <sigex3hy> prolly

[10:09] <sigex3hy> 1000 bots 24/7





hey................................. :tiphat:

Edited by Matt

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always love some beef-recipes.jpg


p.s: jimi/mattyb wont be happy since we're hosting DF forums.

Edited by Bereadytodie

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Lol RIP DF forums



Edited by Brian

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Wow lol why does EOS fear DF so much?

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echo of silence.................

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