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Little Tony1

Frozen Fury

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lordkilla is retarted

ipklikenoob is a m8


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Still better then brut

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not sure bud. maybe if u become active more you can get your name out. not sure though if u want an honest opinion i dont see you lasting much longer. get mixed up with the wrong clans and im sure you wont last much longer.

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fuck ff, this is what they get for talkin shit on me.......ur clan is dead now......dismantled it with my own two hands son....

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I love Brian and wish him all the best for his team

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Death Troll





fuck ff, this is what they get for talkin shit on me.......ur clan is dead now......dismantled it with my own two hands son....


You are and always will be shit.

Edited by Death Troll

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hi alex are you still mad that you got kicked for bsing someone for 70m lol, looks like it. i never tried getting zeldy kicked, obv im not gonna stay quiet when srs bsns occurs but what do you know lol you were like the most inactive member. anyway oh no we lost 3 gmt officials (1 still in ff but he's inactive) in an est clan rip ff lets close, we still pk daily and have enough callers that arent ranked. but like i said you wouldnt know cause you skipped like every pk trip lol. gl when you reapp


-MiKe1337 the best pker in rs 2k10 son




btw im so mad that im posting this kk ty

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lordkilla is retarted

ipklikenoob is a m8




Have I ever even had a conversation with you?

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Guest Desire

they'll probably close soon. With half going to vr and probably half coming to us. Idk. All i care about is luck z ;d

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Mystical nooooooooooooo. :russianroulette:

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Le Bennett

Frozen Fury aka #76k.

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Luck Z

I have nothing better to do so I'll respond to like half the replies here lol



FF lost there passion when they closed the last time. They had expectations and determination, you will achieve nothing now.


Nah we're actually doing fine. It's kind of weird because we're on our own separate levels right now so we don't get as much action as before.


EST timezone is something like this:



gap size of grand canyon








And we don't have many people on for GMT timezone so as you can see our fights are limited. AF decline fights everyday in our timezone (and we decline them in their timezone) and same with other GMT clans so its kind of boring sometimes.


This is what Happens When They Lose Flexa.


You actually did a lot when you were in FF but we're not going to die when you leave lol


Personally I don't see them lasting long after kicking the legends/good members from FF,


Along with most of the ranks aren't active enough due to their IRL issues.


Kev|Blazer - Pretty much full time job

Luck_Z - Said 3 weeks ago he was going to step down soon due to lack of interest in the game.

Lordkilla- GMT based.

Mike|1337 - Newly ranked and trying to get even more old school members kicked due to false intel from Brutality (Lol.)

Ipklikenoob - Always will be a good friend of mine, active but rarely uses his mic.

Death Troll - In college - His priority.


Yeah p2p pvp in our timezone is kinda dead now so we just find small clans to bully. I did lose interest in the game first few weeks of IRC ban but now I just dung and skill so yeah lol


I h aven't seen them in action without the people they lost so I couldnt say if they got worse or better.


Well our past 2 real fights (after losing some members) was vs RSD and HF and we pulled 50+ no prep in both GMT/EST timezone then out of a 65~ man ml so were still doing fine


Nothing. FF has never really achieved anything and they probably never will. They're just one of those teams who close/reopen every other month and compete for like #5 P2P or something. Each to their own I guess.


It's hard to grow in p2p now. There just isn't that many new members coming into the clan world. Hell, RP is probably going to grow faster than us because they actively recruit. We don't, we just stick with what we have and make the best out of it.

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Luck Z

Other response on last page :cheers:


FF is on our dick & Blazer doesn't give a fuck about FF because he's in VR.


I give them 2 weeks.


Well we're prolly gonna last longer than 2 weeks but Blazer recanted his statement. I'm about 99.97% sure if he had to make a choice between FF and VR he'd choose FF. The only reason he's still in VR is because hes council not because he likes f2p lol


This is why spying for RoT looked so appealing. FF will not last because blazer allways has and allways will care about vR > FF. I still like FF due to it being my first clan it all but leaders change along with the people in the team. Gl to them i guess but i saw this coming 1month~ ago.


See above^


Still better then brut


It's hard not to be better than brut ;x


I don't care and I don't think they do either considering they just open and close to have fun.


Hey thats what happens when blazer is like 13 yrs old xd


They have to many 13 year old members to really go anywhere, and blazer doesn't really care for ff because he is in vr and he's even said it himself that he would close ff in a heartbeat if ff and vr started beefing.


Yeah i won't lie the average age of a ff member is like 13 lol, gets annoying sometimes but you live through it.


Corey stepped down :cry:


He said he retired because he lost interest in multi or something so now he just singles :ph34r:


I love Brian and wish him all the best for his team


The love is returned!


Kev & Brian are m8s




Frozen Fury aka #76k.


Watch your mouth lewis..

Edited by Luck Z

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