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Worst clanning experience

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Probably the TT vs DK crash war


All we literally would do about 6 days a week (as DK was an open cc clan or some shit they were pretty much out everynight) was sit at BH stairs while DK were in safezone and wait for them to come out once every ~10minutes or so. We'd pile 1 person they'd pile 1 person sometimes either pile would die sometimes they would live and DK would rush back to safezone and we'd be stuck waiting there for another 10 minutes until their next rush.


That shit was mandatory too

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that's because tt is a horrible clan.

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Overall I had a lot of fun in Solace and I don't regret anything. But holy fuck Fm11 was annoying with his constant raging and yelling like wtf is his problem l0l


The time span that sucked the most was the big crash war between Sol/ph/tt etc vs vr/gen/eos where it was literally just mass sniping until early in the morning. Shoulda joined my pal Edgar up in the general store lmfao.

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The week or two I was in VR to spy, was so fucking boring.
Other than that, I don't know, been in a few clans that sucked.

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The week or two I was in VR to spy, was so fucking boring.

Other than that, I don't know, been in a few clans that sucked.

Heh I remember going on your ts account during a vr war, heheh

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Solace events we're the absolute worst. Just that retard FM11 kid screaming at everyone at the top of his lungs(I also hated F2P so much.) RDK had a terrible community and 80 people would show up to a community event and 40 to a PK trip. I'd have to say Solace(Solace did have the 2nd best clan community i've ever seen.) DI had the shittiest community of them all though with like 15-20 cool people and the other 150 were just dumb foreign finnish dumbasses who'd have 6 different private channels on ts(along with winzent and buzzb edating in a private channel((((rofl))))))

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terminal ftw

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Dark Nite666

TSC back in like pvp days walking from alter to clan wars got sandwiched by like some random clan at clan wars and the crew coming from alter.

I got one shot son

Edited by Dark_nite666

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inb4 ruon3bs flaming vr saying how shit vr is and he can't believe he ever joined it (and reapplied to it) even though he was there for 3 years


We all know its coming

I would vote yes on you if I had the chance

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Hands down being in VR. A bunch of people joined after DI closed and their community that they prided themselves in was so untolerable and annoying that I think I was on their TS maybe once when we weren't fighting. Ended up trying to spy but legit couldn't last so I just left lol. Pretty bad mistake there.


This. Joined with a bunch of DI but it was complete shit. Community filled with spastics/4nrs. Would drop like half their numbers after an hour, etc.

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In 2011 I was in a team/clan of close friends and the leader would smoke oxy constantly, and come on ts then bitch and complain forever.


He couldn't handle him self and would fuck up all the pk trips because he was too loaded

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Genesis was painful, got pulled by an open cc and had to apologize on rsc

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Murry deaker

near the end of rs in ff having like 15 ko members as our whole competition

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Resilience I guess, I don't really remember it that well lmao


there were grim times in solace but they usually only lasted a few weeks

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