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[23:28] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> Abkb| Blazer Bosha Craiggg D156 Den||d1e2n3 Evizu Jimmy Kev| Kygo Mike|Cera_S6

Pacquiao Paisa_man sethtroll Skimer40 VR_BOT X HANUMAN Range_Grudge

[23:28] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> SHUT THE FUCK UP

[23:28] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> HOLU FUCK

[23:28] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> fine i will

[23:28] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> ?

[23:28] (@Jimmy`) <@Mike|Cera_S6> get spams ekv

[23:28] (@Jimmy`) <@Mike|Cera_S6> Kev|

[23:28] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> this is y i dont use my mic


Edited by Ruon3bs

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»Tue/23:24:18« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> if we prep for cwa dnno if we'll have good pull
»Tue/23:24:22« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> chase them to fuck n show them who boss
»Tue/23:24:24« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> why dont we forum pm only trusted members that its pvp
»Tue/23:24:29« (@Emma`) ..
»Tue/23:24:30« (@Emma`) lmfao
»Tue/23:24:31« (@Emma`) vR
»Tue/23:24:33« (@Giggle) l0l00l

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Dylan Nails

cant wait for the other leaks lmao

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»Sun/21:14:39« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> some jaja here
»Sun/21:14:41« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> at the cd fight
»Sun/21:14:42« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> w83 gdz
»Sun/21:14:54« (@Jimmy`) <@Arma150> what u guys rekon we will get then

»Sun/22:53:24« (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> cd ib ys ar ng
»Sun/22:53:26« (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> ok
»Sun/22:53:28« (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> cd on us at mg

»Sun/22:54:40« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> CD killing us
»Sun/22:54:44« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> Abkb|
»Sun/22:54:44« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> where
»Sun/22:54:44« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> lol
»Sun/22:54:48« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> last seen: mg
»Sun/22:54:54« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> send the ac lol
»Sun/22:54:57« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> we have 80 people in the mainpile
»Sun/22:54:58« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> anywya
»Sun/22:55:01« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> df have like 55..
»Sun/22:55:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> Kill CD ya,.

»Sun/22:57:15« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> is cd actualy here on there pures
»Sun/22:57:16« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> sniping
»Sun/22:59:10« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> yes
»Sun/22:59:10« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> Kygo
»Sun/22:59:11« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> on like
»Sun/22:59:13« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> 20 level 80s lol
»Sun/22:59:15« (@Jimmy`) <@BBK> clear the clowns

»Sun/23:03:09« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (00:02:39) <ThatBoyRange> its probably doom
»Sun/23:03:09« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (00:02:44) <Kygo> no its cd..
»Sun/23:03:09« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (00:02:46) <ThatBoyRange> they mass changed names to CDCDCDCD
»Sun/23:03:11« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> not sure if troll

»Sun/23:04:31« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> were crashing cd next saturday btw

»Sun/23:08:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> main pile needs help to kill cd

»Mon/23:02:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> some cd here tho sniping
»Mon/23:02:13« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> devil king etc

»Tue/01:23:34« (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> since all sv/cd virgins were on that ts

[23:08] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> cd came here to crash us lol?
[23:09] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> these rot are so fucking desapret

[23:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> we got fools cd kids sv kids sniping us
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> cd is on us btw Evizu
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> they just killed 3 kids
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> sethtroll
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> yea i see em
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> sethtroll
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> ye
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> set darklord1848 as caller
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> for me
[23:13] (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> ok
[23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> can we rush cd so they fuck like rot did to af

[23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> cd is definately on us
[23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> ye
[23:14] (@Jimmy`) <@sethtroll> only issue is using spares n shit
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> Craiggg when cd is close
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> can we rush em
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> or leave em ?
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <%HANUMAN> they r all like 75 cb
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> 80s
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <%HANUMAN> ignore them
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> there killing our 126s

[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> ye but they all mages
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> with blast
[23:15] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> i got pwnt

[23:40] (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> i just got cancer from cc
[23:40] (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> camel said send 5-10 snipers on cd
[23:40] (@Jimmy`) <@Skimer40> l0l

[23:40] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> tell people to fkn clump
[23:40] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> cd is picking us off

[02:36] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> oh ye Range_Grudge u know bout these olympus kids
[02:37] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> who lol
[02:37] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> they are downies
[02:37] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> for most part
[02:37] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> do they have allegiances with anyone
[02:37] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> not rly
[02:38] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> they said they wnna kill cd for us
[02:38] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> mfw
[02:39] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> ima get them to train up n kill tlp
[02:42] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> their leader leaked in tlp
[02:42] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> ;p
[02:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> as in he was tlp n leaked their info?
[02:43] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> ya

[00:12] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> cd south west
[00:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> they ran sw then ran bk in

[00:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> Evizu
[00:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> yh
[00:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> tell em to run back in
[00:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> PAISA
[00:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> UR DYING
[00:13] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> lmao
[00:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> 0:13) · Godly · lmfa0
[00:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:13) · Godly · we're going 2 rg
[00:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:14) · Godly · and fight them again
[00:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> mike we should dip now
[00:14] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> till restart

[00:18] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> · Godly · we're going 2 rg
[00:18] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:14) · Godly · and fight them again
[00:18] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:14) · Evizu · They walking down
[00:18] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:14) · Godly · ye same
[00:18] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:15) · Godly · we're going 2 fight them at gdz again
[00:18] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> ask world
[00:18] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> i ll scout
[00:20] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> 00:19) · Evizu · lmk when somethings happening
[00:20] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:19) · Evizu · our ppl waiting
[00:20] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> no reply yet
[00:23] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> Evizu
[00:23] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> what was the other clan bar crit damage
[00:23] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> who are they
[00:23] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> yer?
[00:23] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> whats op
[00:23] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> no clue mate
[00:23] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> lol
[00:23] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> blue cape clan

[00:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> · Godly · fighting @ dwarves atm
[00:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:32) · Godly · w93

[00:41] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> 0:41) · Evizu · it over?
[00:41] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:41) · Godly · gonna sit north
[00:41] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:41) · Godly · and see if they come
[00:41] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> think cd left tho?
[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> its not dillion btw Mike|Cera_S6 3bs is jeezman
[00:43] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> o

[00:50] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> (00:50) · Godly · getting some mains to join vr as well
[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> how is gonna help us tho
[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> l0l
[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> they got events on saturday+sunday
[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> kk thanks Kygo
[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> that's plenty
[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> they wont be able to make it
[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> ruining my day
[00:51] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> with negativity fs

[02:48] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> LMFAO
[02:48] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> SV AND CD HERE NOW

[21:06] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> we can go for longer on sat
[21:07] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> or just prep to fuck cd's life up on sat

[18:53] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> then op or whoever would need to be having our back too when cd tries fight back

[22:52] (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> Paisa_man Craiggg are we doing wild on sat or anything?
[22:52] (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> or weekend off
[22:53] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> might fuck cd up
[22:53] (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> oh sat is that cwa
[22:53] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> about it
[22:53] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> cd gon get the D
[22:53] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> i mean we gonna put the d in cd

[21:29] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> yo we gonna kill cd after the cwa
[21:29] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> op gonna lure em out

[21:31] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> shud talk to cd before doing anything
[21:31] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> dont think they want it on the streets
[21:31] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> since these op niggers are joining
[21:31] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> nah they dont want it they just rot minions
[21:31] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> call off cwa n go crash cd
[21:31] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> whos in
[21:31] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> op holdin off there event after our cwa is on

[22:21] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> Paisa_man tel cd we aint comin

[22:57] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (23:57:24) <Godly> hey kygo
[22:57] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (23:57:32) <Godly> you down to kill cd again today?

[23:10] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> rot gonna be there regadless since rod officials in cd

[02:10] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> CD will be there on there spares/mains
[02:10] (@Jimmy`) <@Evizu> any1 know their name again
[02:10] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> olympus leader is already bringing his men with mains

[01:38] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (02:35:22) <ThatBoyRange> kik the op kids
[01:38] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (02:35:40) <Kygo> why
[01:38] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (02:35:59) <Kygo> theres eop/tlp/cd in rot
[01:38] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (02:36:09) <Kygo> u see us crashing one of those clans because there in a main clan?
[01:38] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (02:36:47) <ThatBoyRange> no cd in rot
[01:38] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (02:37:14) <Kygo> devil king own u
[01:38] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> (02:37:18) <Kygo> they not cd?
[01:39] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> dumb ass kid
[01:39] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> tell him if he tells us to kick anyone again we will ruin cd again
[01:39] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> mfw threats

[02:34] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> mfw cd leader posting on topic saying 'was fun'
[02:34] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> wat a joke

[20:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> Abkb| cd/sv on olymps in f2p w16 gdz
[20:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> wanna kill cd/sv Craiggg ?
[20:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> yes
[20:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> were gonna go
[20:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> rght now
[20:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Kev|> sec
[20:32] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> ok
[20:35] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> its pretty much over
[20:35] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> it's not just cd btw
[20:35] (@Jimmy`) <%Range_Grudge> so if u wanna pick up another pure clan enemy idk
[20:39] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> theres so many kids with CD "name"

[20:59] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> (12:58:51) <[OP]Hunter> we're winning
[20:59] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> brb
[20:59] (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> just keep killing cd

[21:08] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> Kev| if u tell every1 to filter chat to "CD" its so easy to find kids whoevers spamming
[21:09] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> right click
[21:09] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> public
[21:09] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> filter public chat
[21:09] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> put cd
[21:09] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> few cd kids will spam tho

[21:16] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> what are we doing
[21:16] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> crashing CD
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> why
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> wtf
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> they dont crash us anymore i talked to them
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> lmfao
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> ye they do
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> ?
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> dj?
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> who crashed us
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> last sunday
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> these retards are here all the time
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> who was cd
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> they're the 100s
[21:17] (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> sniping outside

Lmfao Vr are so parnoid about Cd.

Edited by Ruon3bs

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living in fear of ruon3bs and his henchmen. v2r.

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»Tue/23:39:35« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> zlat got kicked from rot
»Tue/23:39:38« (@Giggle) l0000l
»Tue/23:39:42« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> the reaosn
»Tue/23:39:49« (@Jimmy`) <@Mike|Cera_S6> Starts in 20
»Tue/23:39:52« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> the reason is hilariooius
»Tue/23:39:53« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> come on ts
»Tue/23:39:58« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> who we fightin
»Tue/23:40:01« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> or just say it
»Tue/23:40:04« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> y did he get kicked
»Tue/23:40:27« (@Jimmy`) <@Blazer> Say it
»Tue/23:40:46« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> THE SUSPENSE
»Tue/23:40:58« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> zlat tried to edate ;livvii
»Tue/23:41:06« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> brett threatened 2 leave
»Tue/23:41:09« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> thats from some1 in rot
»Tue/23:41:10« (@Jimmy`) <@Viet-> rofl
»Tue/23:41:14« (@Hawkeyorigin) l0000000000l
»Tue/23:41:14« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> dont say that
»Tue/23:41:15« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> to anyone
»Tue/23:41:17« (@Jimmy`) <@Bosha> outside vr admin



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[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> fk the clan world
[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> why do these virgins always have so many people
[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> rot has 252 ops ending
[23:56] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> virgins dude

[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> fk the clan world
[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> why do these virgins always have so many people
[23:55] (@Jimmy`) <@Kygo> rot has 252 ops ending
[23:56] (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> virgins dude

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»Mon/22:47:26« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> <22:46:14> "tesco" disconnected (leaving)

»Mon/22:47:30« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> 22:46:11> "tesco": brb walking dog#

»Mon/23:31:04« (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> yes BBK tesco kicked

»Mon/23:31:25« (@Jimmy`) <@Paisa_man> wasnt taking vr srsly and flaming/trolling non stop

i'd do it 25 more times if i could

fuck vr

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»Sun/22:39:20« (@Jimmy`) <@j6565> tbh the UK is a joke country
»Sun/22:39:26« (@Jimmy`) <@j6565> quote me on that
»Sun/22:39:31« (@Jimmy`) <@j6565> if u have a tea time ur garbage


amen to that one brother

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»Wed/23:37:52« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> apparently david got banned

»Wed/23:37:55« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> so kinda scared to use

»Wed/23:38:11« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> wait david got banned due to client?

»Wed/23:38:21« (@Jimmy`) <@Abkb|> not sure if due to client

»Wed/23:38:33« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> u on David_Here

»Wed/23:38:34« (@Jimmy`) <@Mike|Cera_S6> possibly

»Wed/23:38:39« (@Jimmy`) <@Mike|Cera_S6> dont release to any more yet

»Wed/23:38:44« (@Jimmy`) <@Mike|Cera_S6> it was the spammer or some shit

»Wed/23:39:22« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> he got str8 banned day after that fight

»Wed/23:39:23« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> few days ago

»Wed/23:39:30« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> it isnt perm is it

»Wed/23:39:33« (@Jimmy`) <@Lordkilla44> ye

»Wed/23:39:36« (@Jimmy`) <%David_Here> ye

»Wed/23:39:38« (@Jimmy`) <%David_Here> its perm

»Wed/23:39:41« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> it is perm?

»Wed/23:39:44« (@Jimmy`) <@Craiggg> oh rip

»Wed/23:39:44« (@Jimmy`) <%David_Here> yeah

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