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You seem pretty angry pal.


I have some friends that studied psychopharmacology and are now practicing therapists, I could probably put you through to one to help you work through your anger.


PM Jarl if you're interested.

Edited by Eevee

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there is no cure for this :)


U guy got banned, and I was right, should have listened to T.

A 20,000 dollar mistake

U ignorant noobs, if ud actually gone all out on protecting your image and defending against the acusations, you might be 20k richer


-20k dollars for U AHHAHA



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there is no cure for this :)



U guy got banned, and I was right, should have listened to T.


A 20,000 dollar mistake

U ignorant noobs, if ud actually gone all out on protecting your image and defending against the acusations, you might be 20k richer


-20k dollars for U AHHAHA



50k richer than you (THH)

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rot the comunity idols

unable to do basic PR

Getting rekt by dead botting



funny shit


Hillory would be sad of u guys :D U should've blamed the Russians u fking nublets




would you care to comment on the fact that ur clan name was disgraced and u ignored the suggestion to put any effort into your clans image even considering you wanted to be community idols or w.e and be the guys helping to resurrect the pvp scene


mr erik and his psychology degree will be short on career options now, how does it feel to have made depression a daily reality for your boy the "rot leader nigga"


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there is no cure for this :)



U guy got banned, and I was right, should have listened to T.


A 20,000 dollar mistake

U ignorant noobs, if ud actually gone all out on protecting your image and defending against the acusations, you might be 20k richer


-20k dollars for U AHHAHA



50k richer than you (THH)


u mean 500 dollar richer than u (u meaning me)


Cos u had to divide the winnings by 500,.


We could add in the pizzas that mr erik and the porpoise has guzzeled together on there romantic date to the shore line, staring out over the water talking about how they will become comunity role models and promote the pvp scence.. Not to mention the gallons of booze they will now need to douse there broken spirits with given that the main man B289 cares nothing for the comunity opinion of his clan, not even enough to do damage controll on situation of obvious hairy ness

I guess thats how u guys do, u full agro on the bush hmm. smokin dat budda and the hairy snatches of rots 60 year old fan girls


u granny fkers , at least ur not welsh

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lmao unshaven neck obese reddit losers mad as fuck
#1 p2p
#1 f2p
#1 dmm

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lmao unshaven neck obese reddit losers mad as fuck

#1 p2p

#1 f2p

#1 dmm


yes sfp4

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there is no cure for this :)



U guy got banned, and I was right, should have listened to T.


A 20,000 dollar mistake

U ignorant noobs, if ud actually gone all out on protecting your image and defending against the acusations, you might be 20k richer


-20k dollars for U AHHAHA




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I am way too rich to read that entire post

I lol'd so hard

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Little does this retard know


No one was banned



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can i get this in an audio book/mp4. format


The song in your sig is fucking horrific


Anyone that listens to this has a low IQ


u live under a rock


no im just not a filthy euro

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there is no cure for this :)



U guy got banned, and I was right, should have listened to T.


A 20,000 dollar mistake

U ignorant noobs, if ud actually gone all out on protecting your image and defending against the acusations, you might be 20k richer


-20k dollars for U AHHAHA



50k richer than you (THH)


u mean 500 dollar richer than u (u meaning me)


Cos u had to divide the winnings by 500,.


We could add in the pizzas that mr erik and the porpoise has guzzeled together on there romantic date to the shore line, staring out over the water talking about how they will become comunity role models and promote the pvp scence.. Not to mention the gallons of booze they will now need to douse there broken spirits with given that the main man B289 cares nothing for the comunity opinion of his clan, not even enough to do damage controll on situation of obvious hairy ness

I guess thats how u guys do, u full agro on the bush hmm. smokin dat budda and the hairy snatches of rots 60 year old fan girls


u granny fkers , at least ur not welsh


haha u got heckin owned kid (THH)

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if you're a bot farm owner don't talk to me

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