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End of BH -> End of Brutality?

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Not that into Rot history but I'm pretty sure your clan has died more then Brutality.

You died once when wild was removed,died again during multi bh and then died during single bh and again when ag re opened and you all mass joined W()()T fazt #1 hybrid D O N O T M E S S W I T H H I M

Not including the times you died in old wild which i dont know maybe you could enlighten me ? :)

Edited by Dan~loot

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You died once when wild was removed,died again during multi bh and then died during single bh and again when ag re opened and you all mass joined W()()T fazt #1 hybrid D O N O T M E S S W I T H H I M

Not including the times you died in old wild which i dont know maybe you could enlighten me ? :)

We closed till single bh opened when wildy died and we closed once till pvp opened in september or w/e date it was. Both times was just closing waiting for a update, we never died cause our clans members left. Thats 2 times.

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So how many times have rot died?

I don't expect an answer seeing as you were 100 combat 1 year ago and you didn't even know what rot was back then.


I did no what RoT was a year ago idiot.

and yes, i was like 105 combat but your point is?

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We closed till single bh opened when wildy died and we closed once till pvp opened in september or w/e date it was. Both times was just closing waiting for a update, we never died cause our clans members left. Thats 2 times.

its hard to make sense of that.

But Ya, thats more times than RoT

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I've already caught the forum acc :blush:

You say that like there is only one. Like I said earlier, I'd be embarrassed if my clan's forums security was as shit as Brutality's.


Are you stupid, in the post it clearly says "we are more stable then ever" then you go on rot forums and post end of brutality? God damnit you're a genious.

Learn how to spell genius before you call other people stupid.


However nothing says stability like member's not listening to officials, RoT may have hit many rough patches but in the time I was in RoT never have Member/FA's not listened to official(s).


Your starting to smell Fourmx, just look at all the lies you make up to look good.


Rot Member countdown - 89 80 79 77 69 (thanks to tomisme for the info).

Believe it or not every clan spreads propaganda. If this wasn't true then nobody would post on RSC, and nobody would defend their clan on forums/in-game. You've simply fallen victim to DI propaganda. Whether it's because you're sucking up to join or just that stupid is still a mystery to me


- As for ben? I didn't even make that topic lol

- Two of warlords stepped down? No they haven't

- Colinee1 was an intro and got kicked, RoT accepted Dcranged who was just joking about l0l


RoT FA Since 11|1|09

RoT Member Since 8|2|09


This is fun :rot:

Brutality accepted Spirius after he ditched you guys for AG lol

Same with Jay/Metallic Mage


So how many times have rot died?

I don't expect an answer seeing as you were 100 combat 1 year ago and you didn't even know what rot was back then.

I think he was TSC like 2 years ago or something, so I'm pretty sure he did lol. Nobody knew who you were a year ago so I don't know who you think you are

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W/e, it's pointless arguing with an entire clan, keep having fun over a post on Brutality boards, after all we are trying to make a clan thats already better then your clan better.


We're rising more then ever, your clan is dying. As Ben said only reason it's not dead yet is cause your officials don't wanna close due to DI.


GL getting referals for Brutality when Rot dies.

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You say that like there is only one. Like I said earlier, I'd be embarrassed if my clan's forums security was as shit as Brutality's.



Learn how to spell genius before you call other people stupid.


However nothing says stability like member's not listening to officials, RoT may have hit many rough patches but in the time I was in RoT never have Member/FA's not listened to official(s).



Believe it or not every clan spreads propaganda. If this wasn't true then nobody would post on RSC, and nobody would defend their clan on forums/in-game. You've simply fallen victim to DI propaganda. Whether it's because you're sucking up to join or just that stupid is still a mystery to me



Brutality accepted Spirius after he ditched you guys for AG lol

Same with Jay/Metallic Mage



I think he was TSC like 2 years ago or something, so I'm pretty sure he did lol. Nobody knew who you were a year ago so I don't know who you think you are

genius, there he be. Ever heard of auto accepting people after they spy? and yeah just cause my native language isn't english it makes me stupid.

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genius, there he be. Ever heard of auto accepting people after they spy? and yeah just cause my native language isn't english it makes me stupid.


English also isn't my native language but I carry myself just fine. You are just really that stupid.


PS: Jay only spied for you when AG was on the verge of dying lol

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genius, there he be. Ever heard of auto accepting people after they spy? and yeah just cause my native language isn't english it makes me stupid.

Spirius got kicked because he was pixel hungry,bereadytodie,tomdabom,ns game spied for you?

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Pwnzor Mage
W/e, it's pointless arguing with an entire clan, keep having fun over a post on Brutality boards, after all we are trying to make a clan thats already better then your clan better.


We're rising more then ever, your clan is dying. As Ben said only reason it's not dead yet is cause your officials don't wanna close due to DI.


GL getting referals for Brutality when Rot dies.


Pretty sure Brut is a team, well i think anyway... Also,I think BRUT would be the last choice for any ROT members to go to... No that ROTS gonna die anyway... you're clearly that better that you wont fight us again but yeahhhhhh.... okaiiiiii. BRUT is dying, no-one would like to join a dying clan, let alone step down their game to go to brut..

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White Widow2

verbal ko by the mattyb

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MattyB will come and ressurect :rot: back from the death xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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We closed till single bh opened when wildy died and we closed once till pvp opened in september or w/e date it was. Both times was just closing waiting for a update, we never died cause our clans members left. Thats 2 times.


You also died once or twice in old wild.

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MattyB will come and ressurect :rot: back from the death xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

With a leader as intelligent as you, I can only begin to imagine why your clan is unstable

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With a leader as intelligent as you, I can only begin to imagine why your clan is unstable


You rage quit RoT about 2828929 times Mr. Intellectual :mad: :blink:

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