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End of BH -> End of Brutality?

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You rage quit RoT about 2828929 times Mr. Intellectual :mad: :blink:


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lol at bentorq, sack of shit

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MattyB is on the Ko.


This is funny to watch.

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You rage quit RoT about 2828929 times Mr. Intellectual :mad: :blink:

You say that like you have someone telling you info, truth of the matter is you have NEVER had a spy in RoT, and you never will.



Trying to out-prep a clan to beat them does not work when you have several forum spies.





And this




And just for the lulz,



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You say that like you have someone telling you info, truth of the matter is you have NEVER had a spy in RoT, and you never will.



Trying to out-prep a clan to beat them does not work when you have several forum spies.





And this




And just for the lulz,



Those Screenshots were taken before we removed the forum acc.

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Those Screenshots were taken before we removed the forum acc.

Why are you editing the image links? are you embarrassed your forum security is so shit one of your member's had the password "lol"?

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u know there dieing if they are coming on to your boards just to defend there shit ass clan full of fuckn retards. its ovbious because instead of actually defending there clan they attempt to flame matty in teh first post trying to get off the fact that there clan is full of downys. so next benfagget and faztuptheass u should try an actually defend ur clan and not jus start a flame to make the main focus on the flame war. l0l! at matties info

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Steve the baby had a shit forum pass probably on this forum or another or you sat there and decided to randomly Brute force his account, fuck you must have a boring life teheh3h3h3he

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W/e, it's pointless arguing with an entire clan, keep having fun over a post on Brutality boards, after all we are trying to make a clan thats already better then your clan better.


We're rising more then ever, your clan is dying. As Ben said only reason it's not dead yet is cause your officials don't wanna close due to DI.


GL getting referals for Brutality when Rot dies.

First, it would be alot better if you just x'd off RoT forums, making yourself look stupid is funny but i have pitty for you.

Our clan is dying?

Yet, your leader goes and makes a post like that?

Yeah, were certainly dieing...




MattyB will come and ressurect :rot: back from the death xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Shoot yourself retard.

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Why are you editing the image links? are you embarrassed your forum security is so shit one of your member's had the password "lol"?

No, I was first going to edit the link so the I didnt get the full image but I then changed the code cause if I just changed the link nothing would show at all.

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u know there dieing if they are coming on to your boards just to defend there shit ass clan full of fuckn retards. its ovbious because instead of actually defending there clan they attempt to flame matty in teh first post trying to get off the fact that there clan is full of downys. so next benfagget and faztuptheass u should try an actually defend ur clan and not jus start a flame to make the main focus on the flame war. l0l! at matties info


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This must be the busiest your forums have been in months

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This must be the busiest your forums have been in months


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Rot members are talking like their clan isn't dieing.

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