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Aaron Plumb: Part 3

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Hope it was worth losing your entire bank, RS account, e-mail, and facebook.




plus is now reject status

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Guest Wickedd

oh my god... lol :unsure:


gf aaron :(

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Guest Wickedd

you guys saying that scamming is bad and sad, but now you'll all doing it. you take his stolen money back ok. but the rest is going to far. what ever :ph34r:

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Karma's a bitch, this is why you you don't fuck with people :) I love revenge! :wub:

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you guys saying that scamming is bad and sad, but now you'll all doing it. you take his stolen money back ok. but the rest is going to far. what ever :ph34r:

We got the money back + taught him a lesson who he's dealing with?

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Dang lol, RIP Aaron Plumb.

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One again proving RoT are the shitstain of the clan world, scum, by all means hack him for your stuff back, sure, even take all of it, the guys a cunt, but dont get real life involved in runescape, thats when this shit goes way too far, its 2011 and your clan still hasn't matured enough to realise this.



DI is dead


and thank god, it means i have no reason to play this awful game.


One again proving RoT are the shitstain of the clan world, scum, by all means hack him for your stuff back, sure, even take all of it, the guys a cunt, but dont get real life involved in runescape, thats when this shit goes way too far, its 2011 and your clan still hasn't matured enough to realise this.



I see my girlfriend whilst youre dying over and over in runescape every saturday LOL



yet here you are posting on a runescape clan's boards. YOUR LIFE MUST BE FUCKING FANTASTIC. LOL

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um how is hacking is facebook account ruining his social life, he had 47 friends/0 personal pics/no personal info on it so it obviously didnt mean much to him, and even if it did its not hard to make a new e-mail and facebook, and also even if you were truly able to get him fired from his job by just knowing general information about him, his job did not look like anything significant so it shouldn't be that hard to get a new one


My point is... Why even bother hacking his facebook and posting irl info... It honestly will affect him very little and it makes all of you that were a part of it look like complete asses

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um how is hacking is facebook account ruining his social life, he had 47 friends/0 personal pics/no personal info on it so it obviously didnt mean much to him, and even if it did its not hard to make a new e-mail and facebook, and also even if you were truly able to get him fired from his job by just knowing general information about him, his job did not look like anything significant so it shouldn't be that hard to get a new one


My point is... Why even bother hacking his facebook and posting irl info... It honestly will affect him very little and it makes all of you that were a part of it look like complete asses


Dang dude that was really deep, rot really cares what Kieran0696 thinks about em

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um how is hacking is facebook account ruining his social life, he had 47 friends/0 personal pics/no personal info on it so it obviously didnt mean much to him, and even if it did its not hard to make a new e-mail and facebook, and also even if you were truly able to get him fired from his job by just knowing general information about him, his job did not look like anything significant so it shouldn't be that hard to get a new one


My point is... Why even bother hacking his facebook and posting irl info... It honestly will affect him very little and it makes all of you that were a part of it look like complete asses


Dang dude that was really deep, rot really cares what Kieran0696 thinks about em

Your opinion is of equal interest to me!

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Guest Wickedd

um how is hacking is facebook account ruining his social life, he had 47 friends/0 personal pics/no personal info on it so it obviously didnt mean much to him, and even if it did its not hard to make a new e-mail and facebook, and also even if you were truly able to get him fired from his job by just knowing general information about him, his job did not look like anything significant so it shouldn't be that hard to get a new one


My point is... Why even bother hacking his facebook and posting irl info... It honestly will affect him very little and it makes all of you that were a part of it look like complete asses


(Y), your right. i know aaron and speak him everyday, and your right, he doesnt give a fuck. but still if I was aaron. i wouldn't let this happen to me, i would get em back so badly. maybe even irl. but yeah :ph34r:

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You boys r idiots. if you rly think how sad Rot are for not backing down, then why are u posting on these topics every single day,




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One again proving RoT are the shitstain of the clan world, scum, by all means hack him for your stuff back, sure, even take all of it, the guys a cunt, but dont get real life involved in runescape, thats when this shit goes way too far, its 2011 and your clan still hasn't matured enough to realise this.


it's not really mature of you either to assume all 120 people think this is the way to go about what happened :cheers:

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Assassin lfc

You boys r idiots. if you rly think how sad Rot are for not backing down, then why are u posting on these topics every single day,


The fact is how you dealt with it though ok maybe hacking his facebook wasnt bad at all because he had fuck all friends and some might of not been irl friends and hacking the account back and taking his shit was the right thing to do which is what should have only happend really :S I dont think posting someones IRL details on a public forum was really worth it even tho most people are nerds and dont move out there house there could still be someone who could do damage to his house or maybe him and if anything happens to him then you wouldnt be thinking the same way as what your thinking about him now.

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Guest Scotty


Edited by Scotty

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