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all teh gps

Why do you guys pk vetion/wild bosses?

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Pk  Theory

wow you killed this cunt and you didnt give me my 2k split? fuck you all

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we kill everything and everyone

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Hello all teh gps, I Am Bill Erik and Im the one in charge around here . Any questions You may direct to my Forum PM as It is always Open You will find many trolls on this Forum


Those 6k splits You and your pvm buddies Complain about Stack up and after around a Month I am able to Accumulate enough real life Money to afford a Macdonalds breakfast before my Theatrical Arts class in the Morning, So don't be so Ignorant all teh gps because not everyone is as privileged as you are . One Day i plan to use my degree in theatrical arts to be one of the most successful business men in the Modern society However until then I will keep Claiming my splits from your super combat potions And Other Various supplies So We (ROT) will Continue to Take a pound of flesh From you and your PVM clan every week until our banks are that Of a substantial amount


I am only going to ask you Once all teh gps to pay the utmost Respect To my Decisions and to leave me and my clan in Peace

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My mom called my doctor and said to him "What's the most accurate measurement for weighing?"
The Doctor said "An underwater weighing test"
And just like that, my mom said "Yes. When can my son and my daughter take it?" and the doc said "Today at 2pm."

So, I didn't bother taking a shower and so did my sister too, so I had to get into a special swimming suit(tight pants... Ugh).

My sister said "Can I pull my hair down to a ponytail?" The doctor said "No."
So my sister with her long, blonde hair went underwater with 8 seconds and she must enjoyed it..but I didn't.

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I don't think you understand how much money 50k really is...


We don't split so it's very important we flame you when we pile you/see you so that our godswords can hit harder. Gp is at about 1.2+/m atm so that 50k has a value of 6 cents in US Dollars. You might not think that's a lot but if we make 6 cents every world we're making 5 dollars and 16 cents every time we clear the wilderness. Now we pull about 90 to each spider PK trip so chances of us getting the drop is 1/90. That means on average our whole clan is making 5.7 cents from pking at spider.


Do you now see why we PK you pvmers? Do that for a whole day and I can buy myself a McChicken

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Duck Sitting


thank you all teh gps

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ill 1v1 fight you in hybrid any time any world any place =] lets risk our banks =]

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Probably shouldn't go in the wilderness if you don't want to die (or stick to single wilderness since you have no friends to help u LMFAO)



The wilderness bosses were put in the wilderness for a reason, and that reason wasn't so you could PVM freely without any chance of dying to pkers

Edited by Frank`

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If we see you we aren't going to just not kill you. Literally all we have to do is left click on ur char n u die lmfao. Easy pie cake.


It is on sight

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lmfao this is mad


we aren't looking for pvmers we're looking for teams that pk in those spots

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